Arc de Triomphe & Eiffel Tower

Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France #Travel Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France #Travel Paris, France Eiffel Tower in Paris, France Eiffel Tower in Paris, France Paris, France Paris, France Paris, France Paris, France City Skyline

On his first real day to explore Paris, my husband spent most of the day walking around and taking in as many sights as he could before he had to come home. These photos are mostly of the Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower. When I see pictures from Europe I can’t help but think about how ugly most of the buildings in the US are in comparison. When we were in Denmark most of the older buildings also had very beautiful detailing .  It’s not something you see often here in the United States, spare a few major landmarks. I can’t wait to share the rest of his photos from the trip, these all feel so dreamy to me right now.

Do you have a favorite building or landmark anywhere in the world?

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Responses to “Arc de Triomphe & Eiffel Tower”

  1. we’ve all seen millions of photos of those two famous landmarks in Paris, however I feel like your photos are taken from a different perspective! so beautiful! thats why I love your blog 😉

    1. Thank you! I feel like some places are worth seeing more than once, too.

  2. I love these pictures! My husband and I got to visit Paris last year and the Arc was one of my favorites! I also loved the garden in front of the Eiffel Tower! Hope your hubby has a wonderful trip!

  3. Paris really is the most beautiful city isn’t it! I remember the last time I went I was just wandering around in awe at how beautiful the whole place is! We have a few pretty buildings in the UK but it’s nothing like Paris. Definitely one of my favourite places. The steps on the arc de triomphe and the eiffel tower are definitely a workout too!

    Lovely photos 🙂

    Love Amylou x

  4. Can I just hop on a plane and go there now??? It looks so lovely!

  5. Absolutely love the angles and viewpoints these photos are taken from! We may be headed to Paris this summer and I am beyond excited to see all the gorgeous architecture in person!

  6. SO jealous of your husband!! Paris has been on my bucket list for SO long. There is no comparison to the architecture in Paris!

  7. These pictures are absolutely stunning. I love Paris, it’s one of my favourite cities even though I’ve only been once. So much beauty and culture there, and you captured it perfectly! x

  8. Aw, so jealous of your hubby! Paris is still on my list of MUST TRAVEL TO!

  9. Ahh, love these. I’d love to go to Paris one day. It’s second on my travel priority list after ‘home to see the cat.’ I totally get what you’re saying about the buildings – my hometown is incredibly boring architecture-wise (and everything-wise) and I’ve never been much for Madrid (the other place in Spain I’ve lived in, however briefly) either, but when I was in Oxford, and a lot of the time when I go anywhere here in London, I just kept taking pictures of the buildings. Multiple pictures of every building. Everything was so interesting and intricate and pretty.

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