Bruges, Belgium

Bruges, Belgium Bruges, Belgium Bruges, Belgium Bruges, Belgium Bruges, Belgium Bruges, Belgium Bruges, Belgium Bruges, Belgium Bruges, Belgium Bruges, Belgium Bruges, Belgium Bruges, Belgium Bruges, Belgium Bruges, Belgium Bruges, Belgium

Back in January of 2010, Steve took a trip to Bruges, Belgium for work. He spent most of his time working, but when he wasn’t he got to snap a few photos (Aren’t these gorgeous?!). I’m in awe of how beautiful everything is, especially with the light dusting of snow. I’d love to go back to visit with him some day, possibly as a family once Søren is a little older.

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Responses to “Bruges, Belgium”

  1. what a magical place! looks like out of a fairy tale, great photos!

  2. Beautiful! Looks like it was an amazing trip!

  3. He captured it magically!

  4. Such beautiful shots! It makes me all excited for my upcoming Belgium trip. 😀

  5. I love Bruges! Isn’t it just the most beautiful place?! My dad used to go there for work a lot and he decided that me and my mum and sister needed to see how pretty it was, and to this day it’s the most beautiful place i’ve seen. There’s just so much detail in all of the buildings, amazing. Plus, they make the best chocolate I have ever eaten in my entire life, I would go back just for that!

    Definitely worth the trip!

    Love Amylou x

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