Apple Picking at Clearview Orchards

Clearview Organic Orchards in Watsonville, California Clearview Organic Orchards in Watsonville, California Clearview Organic Orchards in Watsonville, California Clearview Organic Orchards in Watsonville, California Clearview Organic Orchards in Watsonville, California Clearview Organic Orchards in Watsonville, California Clearview Organic Orchards in Watsonville, California Clearview Organic Orchards in Watsonville, California Clearview Organic Orchards in Watsonville, California Clearview Organic Orchards in Watsonville, California Clearview Organic Orchards in Watsonville, California Clearview Organic Orchards in Watsonville, California Clearview Organic Orchards in Watsonville, California Clearview Organic Orchards in Watsonville, California Clearview Organic Orchards in Watsonville, California Clearview Organic Orchards in Watsonville, California Clearview Organic Orchards in Watsonville, California Clearview Organic Orchards in Watsonville, California

Even though the weather is still warm, we wanted to continue the tradition of picking apples in the fall. We headed down to Clearview Organic Orchards in Watsonville, California. I think everyone had the same idea we did, because it was pretty crowded. Luckily the orchards are on a hill, so they didn’t feel that busy. Once we weighed and paid for our apples we enjoyed a delicious apple turnover at the barn.

Have you gone to pick apples before? Do you have any great apple recipes to share?

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Responses to “Apple Picking at Clearview Orchards”

  1. So fun! I love your photos — the kids look great. I am sure they had a lot of fun. I’ve never gone to an orchard to pick for fun. We have apple trees (5) so it is more of a chore — but I do love the fresh apples!

    1. Ooh, I’d love to have more fruit trees! We only have a couple of citrus right now.

  2. always such beautiful photos, Jessica! looks like tons of apple picking fun! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Such lovely pictures. I would love to take my daughter apple picking someday

  4. Aww apple picking!! I need to do that soon before it’s too late!


  6. Your son is adorable. These orchards look beautiful and that apple turnover looks delicious. What a fun family day out.

  7. Your photos are absolutely stunning. I love that you can tell an entire story with your photos. I’m a writer at heart but there it would be incredibly difficult to capture in words what you are able to with your photos.

  8. Never been Apple picking before but been strawberry picking and that was fun. Love how clear your pics are also the side bar very nice.

  9. Cutest little boy ever!!

  10. Ooooh, how did I not know there were orchards somewhat nearby for apple picking? I want to GOOOOO!!!

    I put one of my fave apple recipes on the blog a few months ago:


    1. There are lots! I like this one because it’s organic. Your recipe looks SO delicious.

  11. I’ve never been apple picking and I live in Washington state! I’d love to go one day! Beautiful photos too, looks like a fun outing!

  12. That looks so fun! I’ve always wanted to do this.

  13. lovely photos! how fun!

  14. Soren looks like a little paper boy with that hat and blue tote bag!

    That dress still looks amazing on you.

    What kind of apples did you end up picking? I wonder if there were any Honey Crisps at that orchard.

  15. What a gorgeous orchard! Your family is so sweet!

  16. i’ve gone apple picking once when i was a kid.. but i haven’t gone as an adult. i definitely need to go! love his little hat. ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. So pretty! I love fall and apple orchards! ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Such lovely pictures. Since having kids, we typically go apple picking every October. We actually haven’t gone yet this season.

  19. I love your dress. I’m all about white and navy stripes, and just about all the time.
    We used to have really great apple orchards nearby, and they were destroyed in a wildfire. But I love apples this time of year and all the yummy things you can make with them.
    In fact, don’t tell anyone – but I kind of prefer apple to pumpkin in terms of my favorite seasonal flavor.

  20. Beautiful photos. This makes me want to go home so bad and see my family (we have an orchard in the garden) May I also say, you are such a beautiful Mum! If I look half as good as you when I’ve had two munchkins, I will be super happy!

    Katie <3

  21. We also went apple picking a few weeks ago. So much fun and those apple are simply delicious!

  22. Oh how fun!! I’ve always wanted to go apple picking, I bet it smells amazing there! Your boys are just so darn precious.

  23. The last time I went apple picking was in high school when my family lived in Washington state – a very big apple state. That was more than 25 years ago! I don’t think apples when I think Watsonville for some reason – I had no idea that they had trees there! I will have to check that out!

  24. SO fun! We went apple picking this year and the crop wasn’t nearly as good as it had been in the past. Your family is adorable, too!

  25. Just stumbled upon your website and looking forward to reading more. We both share a love for photography and travel!

  26. I just went apple picking for the first time in Michigan last week! It’s amazing to be eating fruit you actually picked!

  27. Great photos! I have yet to go apple picking. Whenever we plan to go, the season didn’t do well so you can actually pick the apples off the trees…and what fun would that be? The apples look like they will be a delicious treat!

  28. Cutest pictures! We’ve never gone to an apple orchard before! Will def have to look for one by us now!

  29. I know this is repetitive, but beautiful pictures. I have never been apple picking but this seems like so much fun from you and other bloggers. I have to get the kids out there to try it.

    Thrifting Diva

  30. I remember picking apples and other fall fruits when I was a child. I wish my son could have the same experience.

  31. This looks like such a fun family outing. I don’t think I have seen anywhere you can do this n my area but now I am doubting myself and want to actually look a little harder…
    The Accidental Mama

  32. What a beautiful way to spend a day. I belong to an organic box service and went to a tomato festival at their location recently–tons of fun. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Is it Capay? ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. My girls are so excited about going apple picking in a few weeks. We’re waiting to go with friends from Australia and will combine it with a pumpkin patch visit and a little wine tasting in Napa ๐Ÿ™‚

    By the way, I love your dress! I’m a sucker for navy and white stripes. Is it from Sonnet James?

  34. Beautiful photos! Your sons are so adorable! Apples are one of my favorite things to bake with in the fall, I just put them in my latest cake!

  35. This hurts me it’s so good. I wish I had gone ๐Ÿ™

  36. Looks like so much fun, it has been a long time since I picked apples. I can remembering doing it as a kid with my grandma! Makes me want some homemade applesauce!

  37. This looks like so much fun and I bet the apples are delicious. Love the photos too

    1. Thanks. The apples ARE delicious!

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