Create a Calm and Happy Home

This post is sponsored by World Market.

How to Create a Calm and Happy Home

Lately I’ve done a lot of thinking about living intentionally and the steps I can take to be more deliberate with the choices I make in my life. One of my ultimate goals is to be calm and happy, especially in my own home. I’ve been on a decorating spree for the last few months, and today I’ve partnered with World Market to share some ways you can make your home (and life) more calm and happy.

How to Create a Calm and Happy Home

Organize and reduce clutter.
Following the KonMari mantra of “If it doesn’t bring you joy, let it go!“, I’ve been greatly reducing the amount of physical stuff we own. I feel more at peace with the amount of items in our home, as well as how often they are used and loved. I started with cleaning out my closet, then moved on to the rest of the house. Take time to rethink your storage and organization methods to keep items in more practical areas instead of scattered about the house. It’s made a world of difference for me.

Think about light & airy colors.
Color can play a huge part in creating a calm environment. Stick with solid colors that are light and soft to have a calming effect. Think about going to your favorite spa and what colors they might use in their space. I really love white or light walls with gray, tan, or neutral accents.

Create a relaxing space using texture.
Texture and pattern can play a huge role in the feel of a space. Stick to texture and patterns that are natural and neutral to continue the feeling of peace in a space. I love to bring texture in elements like light shades, storage baskets, throws, and blankets.

How to Create a Calm and Happy Home

Devote a space to yourself.
Making time for yourself and investing in your wellness is such an important part of living a happy life. Choose a space in your home to devote to yourself, whether it’s a special bath basket, or a cozy reading nook and make it your own. Space in our bathroom is limited, so I keep a few favorites in a little basket to help with a relaxing bath once a week.

Get the right amount of quality sleep.
I am the worst at getting a decent amount of sleep. Recently I’ve done a huge overhaul to my nightly routine, I have a bedtime now! It’s 11PM, which may seem late to some but it allows for the right amount of sleep for me. I also chose bedding that makes me feel calm and relaxed in our bed, in a design that I love. I prefer to keep a large blanket on our bed too for cozying up when I feel like it, and it’s important other aspects of your bed are comfortable as well.

How to Create a Calm and Happy Home

I feel like making my home a calmer space has helped with my stress levels, as well as making me feel happier when I’m home.

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What are some of your favorite tips for creating a calm and happy home?

This post was sponsored by World Market, a place I’ve loved and shopped at for years. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you so much for helping to support the sponsors that make life here a little sweeter.

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Responses to “Create a Calm and Happy Home”

  1. I love all the bright light, light neutrals, and textures everywhere! If I had that bed, I don’t think I would ever want to get out of it!

    1. The struggle is real, hahaha.

  2. Loving all the neutrals in this post! Anything that helps to keep me calm is a great thing.

    Steph || @trendyinindy

  3. This is serious goals! Love your space!

  4. Crystal

    What a gorgeous space. My house is finally feeling like it’s the space I had envisioned. We love unique pieces and World Market always has the best finds.

  5. linda olson

    i would like to receive your blog via email.



  6. i need to devote a space to myself!! adore all of your bright whites!

  7. It’s so important to have a calm and pretty environment at home. I love how you’ve styled everything!!!! I’m going to have to make a run to World Market! They’re the best. I’ve been shopping there since high school!!


  8. By any chance, do you know the name or type of plant in your first photo? I love your use of plants in your space. Just gorgeous.

    1. Thank you for the kind words, I love all of my plant babies. 🙂 I believe it is a Pencil Cactus or a “Firestick” (though if it is it has never turned the red/pink color because it’s not outside or in direct sun).

  9. I am currently working on this. Our house really needs some attention, and simplifying. Life is too busy, when I get home, I need a calm place to relax.

  10. Quality sleep is a MUST for me! I definitely need my sleep….one restless night can ruin my entire day! When my children were babies I was a mess!

    1. I really miss quality sleep right now, haha. Mine are getting older at least, but when it’s not them it’s the dogs or cat or something else. We’re headed on a kid-free trip next week and thoroughly plan to sleep the entire time we’re away. ????

  11. The light, airy space feels more tropical to me than where I currently live (Alaska.)

    I do find when my house is calm, then my own emotional well being is improved. Life with 4 boys makes it a continual struggle. Guess my upcoming move is a great reason to purge what isn’t needed and then create the cocoon in our our new home.

    1. Haha. I’d guess so! Are you staying in Alaska or moving somewhere else? I think life with ANY amount of kids can be crazy. Best of luck!

  12. I actually feel calmer in my bedroom. I purchased a sold white down comforter and love it. I have reduced the amount of stuff I have drastically when I moved to a smaller home. I’m still getting rid of things!

    1. Doesn’t it always feel so nice to clean everything out? 🙂

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