Destination Alaska Day 1 / Embark from San Francisco, California

team-wiking-alaskan-cruise-day-1-embark-from-sf-1 If you haven’t noticed from my Instagram account or that I’ve been more quiet with interactions lately, we just returned from a trip to Alaska! We finally got to go on a dreamy Alaskan cruise. It was an 11 day trip that included a visit to Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska.
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On the first day we went through embarkation at Pier 35 in San Francisco, California and got settled in. We watched them load luggage, food, and other supplies into the side of the boat with forklifts while we were still docked in the terminal. I think that was the boys favorite part about boarding the ship, ours is a bit farther down in this post. team-wiking-alaskan-cruise-day-1-embark-from-sf-7 team-wiking-alaskan-cruise-day-1-embark-from-sf-8 team-wiking-alaskan-cruise-day-1-embark-from-sf-9 team-wiking-alaskan-cruise-day-1-embark-from-sf-10

The seagulls were swarming as we began to navigate out of the Bay. Both in port and as we began to move away we enjoyed sweeping views of Bay Area, including: Coit Tower, the Transamerica Pyramid, Alcatraz, the Bay Bridge, Marin Headlands, the Golden Gate Bridge, Fort Mason, and the Point Bonita team-wiking-alaskan-cruise-day-1-embark-from-sf-12 team-wiking-alaskan-cruise-day-1-embark-from-sf-13

I think our (the adults) favorite part was when we passed under the Golden Gate Bridge. Everyone was out on their balcony bidding farewell to San Francisco and snapping photos while people on top stopped to wave goodbye and cheer us on. As we passed under the bridge, I couldn’t help but get goosebumps. It’s a sight that we don’t often get to see. We received lots of messages from friends and family letting us know they see our ship moving along and wishing us well on our trip. It was a really festive experience. Be sure to scroll down for our itinerary details and a video!team-wiking-alaskan-cruise-day-1-embark-from-sf-14 team-wiking-alaskan-cruise-day-1-embark-from-sf-15 team-wiking-alaskan-cruise-day-1-embark-from-sf-16 team-wiking-alaskan-cruise-day-1-embark-from-sf-17 team-wiking-alaskan-cruise-day-1-embark-from-sf-18

I can’t wait to share the rest of the photos from our trip and to provide a little insight into what it was like on our first cruise, especially cruising with the little ones!

Alaskan Cruise Itinerary
Day 1 Embark from SF
Day 2 At Sea + Formal Night
Day 3 At Sea
Day 4 Ketchikan, Alaska
Day 5 Juneau, Alaska
Day 6 Skagway, Alaska
Day 7 Glacier Bay National Park
Day 8 At Sea
Day 9 Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Colombia, Canada
Day 10 At Sea + Formal Night
Day 11 At Sea
Day 12 Disembark to SF

My husband made this sweet timelapse video from the ship as we left San Francisco.

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Responses to “Destination Alaska Day 1 / Embark from San Francisco, California”

  1. I’ve always wanted to go on an Alaskan cruise! Can’t wait to read more!

    1. It’s a must-take trip!

  2. Way too cool. I’ve heard amazing things about Alaskan cruises. Making the trip via boat up north is on my will-do list. I love your photography and can’t wait to see the gorgeous photos of Alaska! I hope you had a wonderful time 🙂 xx

    The What’s In Between

    1. It was well worth it to go on a cruise, I can’t imagine trying to coordinate everything to do it on your own. I just wish we had a little longer in each port.

  3. Linda Doil

    Beautiful post Jessica!! Now you’ve got me hooked and I can’t wait to see more of your pics!!

    1. Thanks, I can’t wait to share more !

  4. amazing! that last photo is just stunning!

    1. Thanks so much! It was our first sunset aboard the ship. 🙂

  5. It’s hardly the same thing, but we recently went on one of the tourist boats on the Bay and it took us under the Golden Gate Bridge too. That view looking up at the bridge as you approach the underside… Amazing! I’m always a little awestruck when I see the Golden Gate Bridge (despite being able to see it every day from my home!) but seeing it from such a different vantage point just takes it to a whole new level.
    Looking forward to seeing more of you cruise photos. I enjoyed following your adventure on Instagram 🙂

    1. Oh, and we were playing tourist in the city with my parents the day that your cruise departed. My girls were pretty excited to see the big cruise ship as we walked along the Embarcadero and were very intrigued about where it might be going 🙂

    2. We’ve gone on one of those boats too and I think it was even more awe-inspiring because you feel so small when you are right up next to it. I can’t wait to share more, I’ve never taken this many photos on a trip before.

      I thought it was so cool when my friends were messaging me asking if we were on the ship. I was even tagged in a few IG pics, lol. 😀

  6. Gorgeous photos! You have a darling family. I want to visit SF one day.

    1. Thank you. And you should, SF is a great place to visit !

  7. […] a larger hotel room if you can, not being cramped in tight will make all the difference. For our Alaskan Cruise, we booked a mini-suite because we knew the extra space would help with how much time we might […]

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