DIY Father’s Day Gift

DIY Father's Day gift, an easy Father's Day DIY drink crate with bottle opener.

Father’s day is just around the corner, can you believe it? I feel like Mother’s Day was only yesterday, but time has been moving more quickly than that. I also feel a little on top of my game this year in that I’ve already worked out a DIY Father’s Day gift for my husband (stop reading this, Steve).

You see, I don’t know if he would admit to it, but I would consider him a connoisseur of craft beer. Like a fine wine, he enjoys finding new flavors and local brewery’s to try out. So what better gift to give than something related to that? Enter the beer crate, complete with a bottle opener mounted on the side. I made it in 2 minutes or less, and you can too.

DIY Father's Day gift, an easy Father's Day DIY drink crate with bottle opener.

You will need:
Drink carrier, mine is this Skogsta Crate from Ikea.
Bottle opener, mine is a Starr X Cavalier style in black.
Power drill, or a screwdriver if you must but it will take a lot more muscle.

DIY Father's Day gift, an easy Father's Day DIY drink crate with bottle opener.

1. Turn your crate with the side that you want to mount the opener on facing up. Measure with your ruler to find the centerpoint for your bottle opener. I tried to mount mine a little high without it looking odd.DIY Father's Day gift, an easy Father's Day DIY drink crate with bottle opener.

2. Attach the bottle opener using the screws it came with. My crate was thick enough for those screws, but hold them next to the side to make sure. If you mark wtih a pencil where the holes are, then pre-drill with a drill bit just barely smaller than the screws, it will help prevent the wood from cracking. Drill the screws into the wood slowly and carefully to help prevent any damage as well.DIY Father's Day gift, an easy Father's Day DIY drink crate with bottle opener. DIY Father's Day gift, an easy Father's Day DIY drink crate with bottle opener.

3. Enjoy! If you don’t feel like you’re in the do-it-yourself kind of mood, you can always buy something similar here! I chose some of my husband’s favorite beverages to add to the crate, along with some other goodies too.

Do you have any DIY’s or special Father’s Day gifts planned?

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Responses to “DIY Father’s Day Gift”

  1. What a fabulous and easy DIY project! Pinning this for now so I can work on it this weekend. Great post <3

  2. I purchased one of these for my husband last year for Father’s Day and it was a big hit!

    Fizz and Frosting

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