Drink Good, Do Good, Feel Good.

This post is sponsored by Naked Juice.

Swanton Organic Berry Farm near Davenport, California Swanton Organic Berry Farm near Davenport, California Swanton Organic Berry Farm near Davenport, California Naked #DrinkGoodDoGood Swanton Organic Berry Farm near Davenport, California Swanton Organic Berry Farm near Davenport, California Swanton Organic Berry Farm near Davenport, California Naked #DrinkGoodDoGood Swanton Organic Berry Farm near Davenport, California

Growing up in California my whole life has had it’s perks. I know that I’ve been afforded the ability to purchase very readily available fresh produce at my fingertips. Now that I’m an adult and raising children of my own, it’s very important to me that not only do my kids appreciate what they have available, they realize that not everyone in the world has access to fresh food. Part of making sure they appreciate what they have available is by showing them where their food comes from. We keep a Summer garden, and often take trips to local farms and U-Pick places. In these photos, we made it out to a U-pick strawberry farm just before the end of Summer.

While at the farm, I made sure to remind them how lucky they are to be able to do this, and how for many people, access to fresh produce is very limited, if they have any at all. I don’t feel like it’s commonly known that nearly 30 million Americans live in such food deserts, without access to affordable, quality, fresh produce. Today I’ve partnered with Naked Juice to share an easy way for you to help these people. They are partnering with Wholesome Wave to provide fresh produce to people in food deserts through their #DrinkGoodDoGood campaign. On top of a 250,000-pound starter contribution, Naked Juice is donating an additional 10 pounds† of produce to communities in need when you post a fruit or veggie selfie with the hashtag #DrinkGoodDoGood. To learn more, visit DrinkGoodDoGood.com.

† The monetary equivalent of fruits and vegetables to be donated. Maximum donation of $500,000.

Naked #DrinkGoodDoGood

So won’t you join me? All you have to do is post a fruit or veggie selfie with the hashtag #DrinkGoodDoGood.

Photos of me snapped by Nancy for Hej Doll.

This post was sponsored by Naked Juice, a company my family and I have known and loved for years. All opinions and thoughts are my own. Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make life here a little sweeter.

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Responses to “Drink Good, Do Good, Feel Good.”

  1. These photos are amazing! Definitely want to get smoothie making now!

    Abigail Alice x

  2. Absolutely love this campaign, another one for the books. I love all of these photos, as they’re so beautiful and this is such a fantastic cause! xx Adaleta Avdic

  3. Ahh I miss picking strawberries! I used to do that in our countryside. Love the campaign! Lovely photos, too.

  4. It is quite the perk to be able to purchase fresh goodies all year round. You’ve just reminded me to go to the Dallas Farmer’s Market very soon!

  5. I had no idea that so many Americans didn’t have access to readily available fresh produce. Wow! What a great campaign for Naked Juice to spear head. We love having our own garden or visiting our local farmer’s markets to get fresh grown produce. The flavor can’t be beat!

  6. This is an amazing campaign! I have always been jealous of those who have lots and lots of affordable produce at their fingertips – there’s some here in PA but not to the extent that’s available in other areas. Even so, I know I’m still incredibly lucky to have access to healthy food at all.

  7. I saw the pumpkins in the store yesterday and got excited. ’tis the season, I love Fall!

  8. Rose Pingol

    I just love your style! I wanna try these pretty ideas! So glad you shared it.,

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