Driving Ring Road, Southern Iceland

Seljalandsfoss Waterfall in Iceland. Has a trail that leads behind the waterfall! Seljalandsfoss Waterfall in Iceland. Has a trail that leads behind the waterfall! Seljalandsfoss Waterfall in Iceland. Has a trail that leads behind the waterfall! Vegskyli, a turf-roofed shed built in Iceland in 1948 to house milk-cans and the occasional person waiting for the bus. South Ring Road in Iceland hej-doll-iceland-south-ring-road-trip-6 hej-doll-iceland-south-ring-road-trip-7 Skógafoss Waterfall in Iceland Skógafoss Waterfall in Iceland Skógafoss Waterfall in Iceland Reynisfjara Black Sand Beach near Vík in Iceland Cairns of Laufskálavarða Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyons in Iceland Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyons in Iceland Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyons in Iceland Icelandic Lamb near Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyons Hotel Laki near Kirkjubæjarklaustur in Southern Iceland Pond at Hotel Laki near Kirkjubæjarklaustur in Southern Iceland Álfaborgin, the elf-city near Hotel Laki in Kirkjubæjarklaustur in Southern Iceland Álfaborgin, the elf-city near Hotel Laki in Kirkjubæjarklaustur in Southern Iceland South Ring Road in Iceland Kirkjugólf, standing on the tops of columnar basalt columns formed thousands of years ago. Kirkjugólf, standing on the tops of columnar basalt columns formed thousands of years ago. Skaftafell National Park in Iceland, home of the Svartifoss waterfall hike. Svartifoss Waterfall, one of the most beautiful in Iceland. Formed from Columnar basalt columns. Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon in Southern Iceland Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon in Southern Iceland Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon in Southern Iceland Old houses along Ring Road in Þjóðvegur, Iceland (roughly 64°19'19.0"N 15°24'53.3"W) Sleeping in one morning in our AirBnB in Höfn, Iceland

We visited Iceland in July, and I’m just now trying to find the right words to describe our trip. If I’m being honest, Iceland is indescribable. The beauty that exists there does so on a scale that is incomprehensible without having already witnessed it with your own eyes. I took over 4000 (that’s four-thousand!) photos during our trip, and I am just now able to begin to try to break them into manageable chunks to share with you. I’ve decided to break them out by the region in the order we drove via Ring Road (South, East, North, West), so I have to apologize for the load time on this post (but only slightly), as I try to limit my images to a maximum of 5-10 and clearly that is not the case here.

We landed early in the morning, and hit the road shortly after. Our first day was extremely tiring, but very rewarding to have already made progress across the Southern part of Ring Road. I felt very much like I was living a dream for the first day, so it was full of a magical haze (or jetlag), and we didn’t have a detailed list or knowledge about the stops we wanted to make. The weather was sprinkling off and on, so we also avoided any longer hikes (including Seljavallalaug Zwembad Swimming Pool, sad!). We still managed to make plenty of stops (full guide here), and made our way to our hotel for a much-needed delicious dinner and night of rest.

The next morning we hit the road hard, making several more stops and even doing a few hour hike to Svartifoss waterfall and back. Later on we saw the glacier lagoons, and made it to our AirBnB in the town of Höfn a little early. We loaded up on groceries and ate dinner before turning in for the night. After only two days of driving and more stops than I can count, we managed to make it across what most would consider Southern Iceland.

To see my packing list, and our guide to ring road, my favorite instagram spots, and more posts about Iceland, click here.

Aerial photos by Steve Doll for Hej Doll.

Have you been to Southern Iceland? If so, what was your favorite part?

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Responses to “Driving Ring Road, Southern Iceland”

  1. What beautiful photography! Iceland has always been on the top of my list, it looks indescribable just as you’ve said! The waterfalls all look so stunning, it sounds and looks like you had a wonderful time xo


  2. That waterfall is amazing! Iceland wasn’t on my list of places to visit until a few months ago. I bet you had an amazing time here.

    Amanda || http://www.fortheloveofglitter.com

  3. Oh my freakin goodness, this looks ABSOLUTELY amazing. I can’t handle the beauty here, what an incredible view! I’m a total sucker for waterfalls, and I really wish we’d had a chance to drive up to see more of Iceland! xx Adaleta Avdic

  4. stunning! felt like i was looking at part of the set for LOTR! love your sweet family photos!
    Southern Elle Style

  5. Absolutely stunning images and landscape! I hope to visit there one day

  6. Your posts make me want to travel the world. These images are amazing. I hope to be able to travel more one day.
    Thanks for sharing!


  7. Looks absolutely gorgeous! Do not apologise different slow loading time, it’s all worth it (it wasn’t even slow!). I am an absolute sucker for a waterfall, I need to go to Iceland now!!

  8. Andrea Hernandez

    stunning photos! im curious what will be the 2017 travel wish list 🙂 any suggestions for women traveling alone? would you recommend Iceland?

    1. Iceland would be totally fine alone, we didn’t meet a single person there who wasn’t amazingly nice and welcoming. We took both of our kids and had a great time. I don’t want to set any place in stone yet, but we’re definitely looking at Norway / Faroe Islands / Svalbard for next year. 😉

  9. Such amazing photos. The scenery is simply stunning. Hopefully I’ll get to visit one day.

    xo, c. | The Live Lovely Blog

  10. Your photography is so beautiful – it really brings the scenery to life! Thanks for sharing these memories of your trip. Would love to visit one day.

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