Experience Music Project Museum / Seattle, Washington

team-wiking-emp-museum-seattle-washington-1 team-wiking-emp-museum-seattle-washington-2 team-wiking-emp-museum-seattle-washington-3 team-wiking-emp-museum-seattle-washington-4 team-wiking-emp-museum-seattle-washington-5team-wiking-emp-museum-seattle-washington-6 team-wiking-emp-museum-seattle-washington-7 team-wiking-emp-museum-seattle-washington-8 team-wiking-emp-museum-seattle-washington-9 team-wiking-emp-museum-seattle-washington-10team-wiking-emp-museum-seattle-washington-11 team-wiking-emp-museum-seattle-washington-12 team-wiking-emp-museum-seattle-washington-13 team-wiking-emp-museum-seattle-washington-14 team-wiking-emp-museum-seattle-washington-15Of all of the indoor-attractions that we visited in Seattle, I think the EMP (Experience Music Project) Museum was my favorite. The outside of the building is beautiful, and the exhibits exceeded all of my expectations. I’m kind of glad that Søren napped through the museum because there weren’t a lot of hands-on toddler-friendly activities. Although the Lego exhibit did feature an area for kids to build their own skyscrapers to place on display. Aiden enjoyed looking at everything, and amazingly enough didn’t freak out in the horror film exhibit. And of course we couldn’t pass up an opportunity for a “Throne” photo-op.

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Responses to “Experience Music Project Museum / Seattle, Washington”

  1. how cool! that place looks fantastic! love your GOT photo hehe 😉

    1. Thanks! I have to admit that I don’t watch GOT often but the throne still made for a fun photo. 😀

  2. Omg I don’t like those scary photos! Lol… what did Soren think of them?!

    1. He slept through the whole visit!

  3. The EMP looks amazing. I would’ve loved to go through all those horror exhibits.

    1. They were really cool, and a little scary, lol.

  4. What an amazing museum! I’ve never heard of it before but I’ll definitely be adding it to my “must see” list when we visit Seattle.
    The horror movie bit may be a little scary for my girls but then again they are both huge Tim Burton fans so they’re used to creepy stuff 🙂

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