Sunset at Timber Cove

Timber Cove, Lake Tahoe, California by Team Wiking Blog Timber Cove, Lake Tahoe, California by Team Wiking Blog Timber Cove, Lake Tahoe, California by Team Wiking Blog Timber Cove, Lake Tahoe, California by Team Wiking Blog Timber Cove, Lake Tahoe, California by Team Wiking Blog Timber Cove, Lake Tahoe, California by Team Wiking Blog Timber Cove, Lake Tahoe, California by Team Wiking Blog Timber Cove, Lake Tahoe, California by Team Wiking Blog Timber Cove, Lake Tahoe, California by Team Wiking Blog Timber Cove, Lake Tahoe, California by Team Wiking Blog Timber Cove, Lake Tahoe, California by Team Wiking Blog Timber Cove, Lake Tahoe, California by Team Wiking Blog Timber Cove, Lake Tahoe, California by Team Wiking Blog Timber Cove, Lake Tahoe, California by Team Wiking Blog

My favorite moments are the smaller, less significant ones. This moment wasn’t a big exciting milestone on our trip. It was simply our last evening in Tahoe, so together we stayed on the beach until the sun was no more. Søren carefully felt every grain of sand, and Aiden reveled in the gentle splashing of water on his toes. Steve and I sat together, our minds drifting somewhere between the fantasy of vacation and the reality of the impending drive home.

The silhouette photos were taken at ISO100, F7.1, 1/200 of a second.

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Responses to “Sunset at Timber Cove”

  1. These photos are beautiful, and I hope they remind you of these sweet little moments for years and years to come. I find that it’s the little things in life I remember with the most clarity–walking to dinner with my grandfather and mom on a road trip to Los Angeles, exploring the old cemetery behind a great uncle’s house, eating family dinners by the pool. These sunset-beach bits bring the biggest smile to my face 🙂

    The What’s In Between

    1. Thank you. I hope they do, too. 🙂

  2. amazing Jessica! love the one with you holding Soren up in the air ;)…your hair btw!!!

    1. Thank you! And yes, it’s totally out of control right now, haha. I need to cut off a few inches again. 🙂

  3. BEAUTIFUL photos!! Loved them all!

  4. I love these photos – absolutely beautiful. I live for these little moments 🙂

  5. The clouds are gorgeous!

  6. What beautiful photos! Everything looks so serene and makes me want to be there.

  7. These pictures are so surreal! These moments have been captured forever! <3

  8. That sunset is to die for! What a fun day!

  9. These photos are absolutely sweet! They definitely capture the last nights of summer!

  10. Gorgeous photos! Looks like the kids were having fun!

  11. Amazingly beautiful. These are the kinds of moments you’ll remember for years to come, with the help of beautiful photography like this. 🙂

  12. Beautiful sunset!! Looks relaxing 🙂

  13. *Beautiful* pictures! Makes me want to go to the beach tonight. 🙂

  14. Great beach photos, I love them all.

  15. Such gorgeous pictures! I always love evening pictures for some reason.

  16. What a gorgeous sunset! I’ve always wanted to go paddle boarding since I knew it existed – all because of scenes like this. Utter calm and a lovely sunset to just paddle about in!

    Katie <3

  17. Looks glorious!

  18. I think I commented on this before, but I will again! Absolutely stunning photos!

  19. Such gorgeous pictures as always!

  20. Nice pics, sunsets are pretty.

  21. Thank you for sharing the settings that you used to take these pics. They turned out so nicely!

  22. So beautiful! Love your long hair in that photo!

    1. Thanks! It’s such a mess sometimes.

  23. Great photos, I really love seeing all your photos! They are always so gorgeous! I love to capturing the sunset and I especially love your action shots with the sunlight peeking from behind.

  24. Beautiful place. I’d love to be that paddle boarder off in the distance!

  25. Beautiful pictures! And the small moments are the ones that count.

  26. Really amazing photos! Thanks for sharing.

  27. Amazing! So breathtaking!

  28. Beautiful photos. I love the photos of the kids in the sand and jumping. Tahoe is a stunning place too!

  29. Your photos make me want to visit Lake Tahoe. Just beautiful!

  30. The simple moments are always the best!! You take such gorgeous pictures and oh my gosh – your hair is so long! I’m glad you had a blast and hope you get to go back to Tahoe soon!

    1. Thanks! My hair is getting out of control, time for a trim! Lol. 🙁

  31. I want you and your camera to come hang out with me for a day, because I’m curious as to what beauty in my world I’m oblivious to.

    You really have a gift for making the ordinary seem extraordinary.

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