Forest of Nisene Marks

Forest of Nisene Marks Advocate Tree, 260 Feet Tall, over 1000 years old Hiking California Redwood Forest Hiking California Redwood Forest

California redwoods California redwoods
Forest of Nisene Marks State Park in Aptos, California California redwoods
Forest of Nisene Marks State Park in Aptos, California Forest of Nisene Marks State Park in Aptos, California

Forest of Nisene Marks Advocate Tree, 260 Feet Tall, over 1000 years old

On the way home from our glamping trip near Santa Cruz, we made a stop at the Forest of Nisene Marks State Park. I’ve seen photos from here before and knew it was a stop I wanted to make. Unfamiliar with the park, we parked in the lot just after the entrance and made our way around the old growth loop. On the loop we were able to find the Advocate Tree, at more than 260 feet tall, the tree is over 1,000 years old, one of the biggest and oldest in the park. I always feel humbled when I’m unable to see the top of a tree, it really puts life into perspective for me.

Forest of Nisene Marks State Park
Aptos Creek Road
Aptos, CA 95003

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Responses to “Forest of Nisene Marks”

  1. Wow, so beautiful! I really need to explore California.

    1. It was breathtaking, and California is too! You won’t have to go far to find beauty in any corner of this state. 🙂

  2. amazing photos! such a beautiful place!

  3. […] Our anniversary getaway was a little last-minute, but I wanted to retrace some of the steps we took on our wedding day. We planned to visit China Cove in Point Lobos and snap some photos in the same spot that we had our wedding photos done, then head to the hotel we were married at, and enjoy dinner by the same chef who did our wedding night meal. The next morning I hoped to go hiking at one of my favorite spots near Santa Cruz, the Forest of Nisene Marks. […]

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