Fun Trick

1Q8A0262 1Q8A0265 1Q8A0266 1Q8A0268 1Q8A0272 1Q8A0279

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  1. yay what a clever boy!!
    we had a ‘incident’ with caleb’s walker 🙁 he got a bit over zealous and went too fast and ending up falling. we reassured him at the time, and it was more a fright rather than hurt himself, but do you think he’ll go near it now?! eh no. must show him soren’s crawling to standing trick with it 🙂

    1. Aww, that’s too bad. Maybe one day he’ll get over it. Søren hasn’t had any too bad spills with it, mostly because we are practically under him when he first got it, lol. He has plenty of accidents elsewhere though! 🙁

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