What I Wore to Blogher 2014

here-wear-blog-her-2 here-wear-blog-her-3Round Sunglasses / Sleeveless Jumpsuit (similar) / J.Crew Wild Side Wide Bangle (sold out – ebay) / Suede Loafers

I wore this outfit for BlogHer 2014. You probably saw a glimpse in another post, but I wanted to share the details. Nancy snapped these for me as I bounced around a walkway in downtown San Jose, California during the conference.

Shop this look:


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Responses to “What I Wore to Blogher 2014”

  1. cute!! loving everything jumpsuits right now. and that last photo is so fun!

  2. That is adorable. It suits you so well.

  3. You look fantastic!

  4. You’re so brave to rock a jumpsuit! That’s one I haven’t been quite able to pull off yet.

  5. I love your outfit! I always wear black so it’s definitely something I’d wear! I wish I could have attended BlogHer this year! Next for sure since I’m so close!

  6. love the look! 🙂 you always look so natural. i’m still having to work on being comfortable in front. it seriously takes me an hour to get one decent photo of myself without acting super awkward. 😛

  7. It looks really comfortable! 🙂

  8. If I had seen those at a store I would’ve laughed. BUT you look fabulous in them! I would look laughable, however. I love the shot of you clicking your heels, very fun!

  9. Heel click is my fav one. You always look awesome in that jumpsuit and the rompers you have. Like the others have stated, I would look funny. It just suits you which is why it looks awesome on you. 🙂

  10. Love that outfit! You look adorable!

  11. Gorgeous!! Looks so comfy too!

  12. Beaut pictures, I adore the sunglasses! Still haven’t quite purchased some round sunglasses yet!

    Katie <3

  13. You are too cute! Seriously skills in that jumping pic! I’ve yet to find a jumpsuit that fits me perfectly!

  14. I love that outfit! And that last photo is so cool!

  15. how cute! I love it.

  16. Looks cute and comfy

    1. Thanks, it is very comfy. 🙂

  17. love these photos and love those sunglasses on you! all of these blogher photos are making me wish i was there!

  18. This looks SO comfy. Love the jumpsuit!

  19. Great post! Your photography is always amazing.

  20. Great pics, and wow, that last one! 🙂

  21. What a great outfit! It looks really good on you! And that last picture is just fantastic!

  22. Love your photos! Thank you for sharing.

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