Hike to Olivine Pools

After we drove around the Hāna side of Maui (Eastern), we wanted to also drive around the western side. One of the stops we made was at Olivine Pools. At first we only walked to the viewing area, then after some inspection, we decided to hike down. There were a few areas where we had to climb over rocks, but overall it wasn’t too bad. Steve held Søren’s hand and we took turns helping him in places he needed help with, and Aiden has learned to copy my steps when we do more difficult hikes so he did a good job too.

Western Maui Hike to Olivine Pools Swimming on a Lava Shelf in Maui Olivine Pools from above Western Maui Maui's Western Coastline Hike to Olivine Pools Minerals in Lava Rock Hike to Olivine Pools Western Coastline on the Island of Maui

Olivine Pools
Kahekili Hwy
Hawaii 96761

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Responses to “Hike to Olivine Pools”

  1. Your photographs of the sea are gorgeous!! I visited Maui a few years ago and absolutely loved everything that Hawaii has to offer!


  2. Absolutely gorgeous! I’ve never been to Hawaii, and it is definitely near the top of my wish list for the next year of travels.

  3. What a beautiful place to swim!

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