How To Make Rainbow Cupcakes

Every month my son’s school has  “Birthday Party” for all of the kids whose birthdays fall within that month. Also parents volunteer/sign up to bring different things for the parties. I usually volunteer for the cake/cupcakes/sweet thing part of it. I made some rainbow cupcakes and the kids really loved them.

How to make rainbow cupcakes, super easy and cute for a party!

You’ll need:

  • Cake mix (I used white)
  • Funfetti Frosting (Or vanilla and some sprinkles)
  • Food Coloring
  • Cupcake Liners
  • 5 small bowls / coffee cups / soup bowls
  • 5 spoons
  • Whatever else you’ll need to make the boxed cake mix.

1. Prepare the cake mix as directed and divide equal amounts into the five bowls/cups/whatever you used.

2. Add food coloring to each bowl. I used the colors of my sprinkles to determine the colors of my cake batter. I put in blue, green, yellow, red, and orange (red + yellow makes orange).

3. Put the liners in your cupcake pan.

Rainbow Cupcakes Recipe

4. For best color results, use the guide ROYGBIV (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet) in reverse to add the batter to the cupcake liners. For instance I added blue, green, yellow, orange, and red in that order. You only need to add a small spoon of it because a) it will expand and b) you’re only supposed to  fill the liner half full at the most. It is really fun to layer them though, so don’t let yourself get out of hand or you’ll have massively tall and perhaps abstractly proportioned cupcakes.

How to bake Rainbow Cupcakes

5. Bake and let cool.

6. Frost & sprinkle! Enjoy!

Rainbow Cupcakes, A DIY

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Responses to “How To Make Rainbow Cupcakes”

  1. i’m so going to do this!

  2. This is a great idea..very pretty..I’ll have to try this in the coming weeks.

  3. Holy frig! This is way cool jess! I love it! I never thought to put food colouring in the cake mixxxxxxxxxxxxxx……ahhh! You’re such a cool (and creative) Mom!

  4. Um, hello? Very yum? So good? So awesome?

  5. O… M… G… I’m going to do this soon!!!

  6. OMG! I am doing this later this week for my friend/manager’s bday! She will LOVE it!

  7. These look fabulous! My daughter asked for rainbow cupcakes to bring to school, I am so glad I found this post with your idea. Thank you!

  8. This is amazing! I am going to do this!

  9. it very good, I will try to do it, thank you very much

  10. it very good and easy, I will try to do it

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