The Hat Packing Trick

Hats pictured Above: Cuyana Panama Hat, Cuyana Summer Hat

With my recent trip to Venice and the other warm-weather trips I have planned next month (Oahu and Jamaica), I thought it would be helpful to let you in on a little known secret for how to pack a hat. It’s super easy and doesn’t involve any special travel gadgets, but it does help to have a suitcase that zips off on one side. I love my Tumi TegraLite International Carry-On, but most hard-sided suitcases will do it as well.

It requires a little pre-planning, but here goes…

How to Pack a Hat

1. Pack your clothing in the zipper side of your suitcase such that there is a circular hole large enough to rest the top of your hat in. Try to keep the heavier items on the wheel side, or they will slide down and scrunch your hat. Avoid putting shoes or other heavy solid items in this compartment, as they could also damage your hat.

2. Add other items inside your hat.

3. Zip it up, and you’re done!

For this trip I brought two hats. I simply packed my clothing around the hat, with my heavier items like jeans toward the wheels, then I put my bag of intimates inside of the hats (where my head would go). When I arrived both at my destination, and back home again, my hats were in perfect shape!

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Do you have any smart packing tips like this to share? I’d love to hear!

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Responses to “The Hat Packing Trick”

  1. Gervin Khan

    Oh, this is an interesting read. I haven’t brought a hat in my trip before, now I can bring them all!

    1. I used to be so picky about which ones I’d pack, even only packing the “packable” kind that can smash flat and reshape, but now I pack 2 to help keep them shaped well in between the clothes. 🙂

  2. Rose Pingol

    I used to roll shirts, pants and undies in one roll for one time use. This is very helpful to me.

  3. This is genius! I always ruin my hats when traveling! Loving that hat as well!


  4. That’s just so clever and smart. I never pack hats for fear of bending them too much…or I wear them on the plane (equally annoying trying to keep up with it or sleep with it on!). This is the perfect solution. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Ruthanna Esteves

    Great idea … But since my hair doesn’t travel well, I usually wear my hat during travel. Love the helpful tip. <3

  6. This bit of wisdom came at literally the perfect time for me. I leave for Mexico in 3 weeks and was just thinking to myself today “how the heck am I going to get this hat there without it getting all scrunched up in my suitcase??” So simple, yet genius.

  7. These are great tips. I especially like the idea of packing other items inside the hat!

  8. This is really helpful! I’ve been traveling lately with my hats and I always had to bring them with me for fear that they might get crumpled or something. For my next trip though I’ll surely be trying your trick!

  9. Yay! Now I can take my favorite hat with me when I travel. I don’t want to take an extra bag (a special pouch that keeps the hat in place) when I go some place. Now I know how to do it! Thank you for sharing this.

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