In Love With Houseplants

Hibiscus FlowerI have a confession to make, sort of. I love plants. My collection of houseplants has been growing and I’m close to having enough in the house for there to be one in every room. If I go to the store to buy a plant, I usually come home with two or more. Sometimes they live a nice long life, and others not so much.

The plants I’m sharing today are some of my very favorites, old and new. From top to bottom:

Hibiscus – These are outside and came with the house. They’re very tall and are a constant battle to maintain, but they’re very pretty when well-kept.

Succulent House Plant

Succulents – I love succulents because they are generally easy to take care of. I don’t know this one’s name but it isn’t fussy and is shaped like a skinny cactus without thorns.


Hibiscus Flowers Succulent Houseplants Snake Plant

Snake Plant – I’m not sure how this plant is still alive because I never water it. If you’re looking for one that’s hard to kill this is probably a good choice.

Bathroom Plant

Bathroom Plant – Ok, it has a name. It’s just not on the tag. This plant loves moisture and bright light (not the same as

Not pictured is my fiddle leaf fig. It’s still doing OK but it’s definitely not as plush as I’d like it to be.

And here are some leafy goodness photos you can drool over along with me:
Follow Jessica Doll’s board Life / Florals on Pinterest.

Do you have any plants or flowers in your home? Which are your favorites? I’d love to hear about them!

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Response to “In Love With Houseplants”

  1. I have a black thumb so house plants and I don’t exactly mix but I wish I could keep them alive! I love having them in the house!

    xo Bree

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