Inspired by London

Guards in London Goodies inspired by London, England.

1. Burberry Prorsum Checked Cashmere Cape / 2. BaubleBar London Coordinates Necklace / 3. Cavallini London Underground Wrapping Paper / 4. Jo Malone Peony & Blush Suede / 5. Boden Funky Ankle Sock / 6. Ted Baker Floral Silk Scarf / 7. Boden London Cashmere Sweater / 8. Boden Black Taxi Bag / 9. Ted Baker Bow Earrings / 10. Ted Baker Floral Suitcase / 11. Dune London Ankle Bootie / 12. Burberry Brit Packaway Trench Coat

After a week of wonderful London inspiration, fashion, and interviews, I’m ready to head that way! Does anyone else feel the same when they spend a lot of time researching a destination? No matter the location, I’m always mindful of the souvenirs I bring home, and the way I use them after a trip. Whether it serves a purpose as a decoration in my home, or something I can wear, I love to collect and find goods that are useful for more than just a quick memory. Today I’ve found some perfect items inspired by London to serve as alternative souvenirs. My favorite are the ankle socks because they are so festive, and the packaway trench coat because I always swoon for things that pack well . As always, you can shop these items above or below.

What are some of your favorite travel inspired goods? Which of these would you pick?

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Responses to “Inspired by London”

  1. OMG I covet all these pieces, but those Dune boots?! Great selection lady!! And LOVE your images as always!!


  2. I’d have to say a good trench- you can never go wrong with that:) or better yet leave it at home and get a good one in london!
    Southern Elle Style

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