Lush Favorites

Mask of Magnaminty / Enchanted Eye Cream / Imperialis / Daddy-O / Eau Roma Water / Coalface

Years and years ago when I first moved to the Bay Area (2007), I came across a store in the mall that was heavily scented every time I walked by. I would feel a migraine coming on as soon as I got near the store. One day I got over it and went in. That day I fell in love. I think I tried every product they make over the course of a few years. It was a little out of hand sometimes, but I never purchased more than I planned to use so I don’t feel too guilty.

Time went by and the excitement of trying new things wore off. I still continued to use some of the products (coalface is an absolute godsend!), I no longer purchased them for trial only. After I turned 30, I felt like I should have a facial routine that I go by on a regular basis so I stopped to visit my old friend Lush. One of the associates set me up with a routine to start with since I was a little clueless. I’ve been using it for a couple of months now and I have to say that I love it. I love the scent of the products, it’s very light compared to the smell of the entire store, and I love the way it makes my skin feel. Below are some of my lush favorites, a.k.a. products I use on a regular basis, and my thoughts:

Mask of Magnaminty – This makes my skin feel so nice after I use it. I wish it were a little less minty, but it doesn’t disturb my skin otherwise.

Coalface – The holy grail of facial soaps. All 3 of the face-washing aged people in our household use it. It has been the only soap so far to clear up any hormonal acne I had from PCOS, so it’s a must-use in my book.

Eau Roma Water – This toner spray feels and smells so relaxing on my face. I use it to remove an leftover oils and to tone my face in general.

Imperialis – My main facial (and neck, don’t forget your neck!) moisturizer. The scent is light, and so is the product. It spreads very easily, especially after toner application.

Enchanted Eye Cream – This is a definite favorite for me. I can’t tell if it’s actually helping with my fine lines, but I feel like I look younger just for using it. I use it after I apply my Imperialis moisturizer.

Daddy-O – Since I have blonde hair, I love that this is purple based. It makes my hair shine bright and seems to add some volume as well. I’m now going 3 days between washing, without issue. I do still love my Soma shampoo though, and use it on occasion.

Now on to some products that I’ve tested, and don’t currently use.

American Cream – I’ve used this conditioner once and didn’t like how heavy my hair felt.

Seanik – A solid shampoo that works out perfect for travel. You can even purchase an adorable metal tin for the product. This got my hair squeaky clean, but also made it hard to comb afterward.

Jungle – When I used this it was in conjuction with Seanik (above), and I wasn’t impressed with it’s detangling capabilities. I’d love to try the ‘Big‘ solid conditioner to see how it compares.

Butterball – One tradition we have is to pack bath bombs when we travel, I let the boys pick out a couple of ickle baby bots and I use some Butterball for my bath. It comes in especially handy for warmer weather trips.

Mmmelting Marshmallow Moment – Sometimes I bring some additives to make our bath’s on the go a little more fun, this bubble bar is perfect. I also love this Dreamtime bath treatment to help me relax.

One of products that I’m dying to try but haven’t been able to yet is Dream Cream. I know everyone raves on and on about it, but it’s taking me forever to get through my regular lotion so I haven’t tried this yet, haha.

My current Lush Cosmetics favorites

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Responses to “Lush Favorites”

  1. I’ve never tried the toner spray! I need to!

    1. It smells and feels SO nice on your skin. It’s really refreshing before moisturizer.

  2. […] Herbivore Pink Clay Mask After a go with Mask of Magnaminty from Lush, I’ve been looking for other more natural masks to try. I’m dying to try this one from […]

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