Meetup in San Francisco

Meetup Outfit in San Francisco, California

Sunglasses / Lipstick / Coat (similar) / Dress / Bag / Shoes / Bracelet

I really liked this outfit, it’s so simple and easy. Summer is starting to fade as October nears a close, so I feel like I won’t have a chance to wear much of this outfit any longer. I wore it for a blogger meet up in San Francisco, California. Shop this look below.

Don’t forget to enter to win a $500 ShopBop gift card!

Here + Wear / Outfit for meetup in San Francisco, California Here + Wear / Outfit for meetup in San Francisco, California San Francisco Skyscrapers

Keep readingย for the $500 ShopBop Gift Card giveaway!

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Responses to “Meetup in San Francisco”

  1. I can’t beleive you still get to wear dresses, and i love the one your wearing btw. Here in Vancouver, CA I feel like its almost time to pull out the winter coats!

    1. Ooh, I bet. It felt warm there in June, but probably since we were coming from Alaska. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I love that you send summer is ending as we finish October. Normally in Utah it’s been freezing by now. We have cold nights, but our days are still AC necessary. We use the heaters in the morning in the car, and on the drive home from work we turn on the AC. Utah can’t decide yet. It’s an Indian Summer of the best possible kind. Soon though it will just plummet into winter where it will stay hazy and gray until April.

    1. Yes, we’ve had our share of “Indian Summer” this year. I’m wearing shorts and flip flops right now. So excited for some cooler weather and hopefully some rain!

  3. love this photos! so different of what we are used to see around here ;)… and you look beautiful!

  4. Those shoes. I think they’re so awesome looking on you. Hopefully they’re broken in now because I remember how much they hurt your feet! The photo looking up into the buildings made me feel woozy – super cool shot. They look SO TALL.

  5. Angelic Sinova

    Loving your outfit! It’s been so cold here in Chicago but today was 70 degrees and I definitely took advantage of that <3

  6. I hope the weather there is still so lovely when I’m there in a couple of weeks. Your outfit is awesome and looks classy but comfortable at the same time! I love it!

  7. who did you meet up?!! ๐Ÿ™‚ i seriously need to look into more vegas blogger meetups.. i’ve been to one that was super technical and mostly guys.. and never ended up back there.

    1. It was actually for a PopSugar blogger event, so quite a few people. ๐Ÿ™‚ You should just come here for some, bahaha. ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. I love that your managing to wear a dress in Oct, It’s so cold where I am. I’d really like to go blogger meetups but there’s not any in my city ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Gorgeous photos and I’m def entering the giveaway!

  10. You’re so stylish, I love the coat and your shoes. How fun to have gone to a blogger meetup too ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. You mega babe! I actually dislike the shoes you are wearing but would probably buy them due to the fact that they look so bloody fabulous with your outfit. How is that even possible?! I love your handbag!

    Katie <3

  12. d’Orsays! ๐Ÿ˜€ Ive been seeing those everywhere and AM STILL trying to find a pair for myself! D: Hope you found time to relax too xo

  13. Cool giveaway, love the outfit especial the shoes

  14. Amazing stuff! Great look and a great giveaway. Fingers crosses!

  15. Love the photos and what a great giveaway.

  16. The photos are beautiful!! (:

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