My Birthday at Drybar

My recipe for the perfect birthday celebration consists of drybar with a friend and a dozen Kara’s Cupcakes all to myself.

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Responses to “My Birthday at Drybar”

  1. This looks like an amazing birthday! I wish there were dry bars around where I live, they sound amazing! I guess I could just go to my normal salon and get it done? Either way, it sounds like a good day in the making 🙂

    1. Yes, you could! drybar just has really great branding that sucks you in, lol.

  2. Happy Birthday!



  3. FUN! I would love to go to a Drybar.. I wonder if there are any in my city!

    Your hair looks amazing!

    1. Thank you! 🙂

  4. nothing like a good blowout and cupcakes~

    xo the egg out west.

    1. Yes! Thank you for stopping by.

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