Ocean Beach / San Francisco, California

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The air was chilly and the sun was hiding behind a layer of fog, but that couldn’t keep us away from Ocean Beach in San Francisco, California. We parked near Lawton and the Great Highway, then walked across to the beach. I had my backpack with our blanket and lunches and such but in a rush to keep the toddler safe and happy, left the sand toys in the car. We decided not to go back for them so the boys collected sticks and rocks, dug holes with their hands. After awhile the air warmed up and we went for a little walk, discovering lots of valella washed ashore by the tide. We played to our hearts content, enjoying an almost empty beach. When the time was right, we started our drive home. I always feel like I lose a piece of me when I drive home from the city and dream of living there quite often. Maybe one day?

Do you ever feel a visceral connection to a place that you visit?

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Responses to “Ocean Beach / San Francisco, California”

  1. Beautiful photos, as usual! I love the last photo; the transition between the beach sand and the crosswalk looks fantastic. Everytime I visit Montauk, NY, I feel like I need to live there. It’s just a perfectly quiet fishing town, so it’s a huge difference from living in NYC.

  2. Amazing pictures, as per usual! I expect nothing less from you 😉 I also love your hat!

  3. BEAUTIFUL photos! Such talent! Makes me want to head to the beach right now!

  4. I just love this. Adorable kids, sandy toes, I feel like I was almost there with you as I went through these photos!

  5. Great photos!! I feel like the kids match the landscape too.

  6. Yes I do. Whenever I visit the mountains in Flagstaff or the beach in Southern California. Great pictures by the way and I love how you dress your boys 🙂

  7. WOW great photos! Looks like you had a great day! I LOVE THE BEACH!

  8. OMG! Your pictures are so gorgeous! I need to make my way to that side of the country one day but for now, I’ll just dream while looking at your pictures.

  9. Looks like an amazing (relaxing) family time <3 If you ever have any extra room for a stow-away…I'll join you! 😀

  10. I seriously am obsessed with your pictures. You have such a cute family.

  11. I love the beach. I am thankful to live within an hour of the beaches in Oregon. It’s amazing to me that people have never seen an ocean before.

  12. I love being near the beaches, I am thankful that we live about an hour away from one ourselves. I am always amazed when I run into people that have never experienced seeing what the ocean is like first hand. Your pictures are absolutely amazing as well.

  13. Oh man, the Northern California coasts are so beautiful. Sure, they’re not the bright beaches of SoCal, but they have a certain majestic beauty. I live in the East Bay now in a wonderful, old apartment, and I feel such a connection to this place.


  14. Gosh, these are beautiful, Jessica! You really can’t ask for a better day for portraits too, gotta love the overcast days at the beach!

    I can’t get over how adorable your family is. 🙂 I’m happy you guys experience so much together! xo

  15. Love love love! That sand looks so soft, I want to go there!

  16. jessica

    That beach is gorgeous. You all look so cute!

  17. Their little sandy hands are so cute. I love coming to your blog for a little bit of piece. Wish I had time to sit down with cup of tea and pour over your beautiful photos!

    Katie <3

  18. Holy gorgeous! Your fam is so cute – and that beach looks so peaceful!

  19. i want to live in the city there too! 🙂 we have actually been talking about it more recently.. hopefully in may *crossing fingers*

  20. These pictures are just a reminder of why I love living in California. Such a beautiful place.

  21. As usual, stunning photos. Ive never been to San Fran. But we are hoping to go in the next year.

  22. I love the beach and you captured it beauty so well.

  23. Beautiful photos! I now feel like I need to visit a beach.

  24. I can never get over how amazing your photos are! I just purchased a Conon DSLR so I cant wait to start getting into photography 🙂

    1. Thanks so much. Congrats on the camera! I have a photo tips series that you would probably be interested in: http://www.teamwiking.com/category/life-at-home/photo-tips/

  25. Okay, just a few things:
    1) Move to the city.
    2) Definitely need to move to the city.
    3) I wish I had gone!
    4) Yeah, moving to the city would be a good idea.

  26. I love San Fran. I grew up there and it will always be home.
    Melanie @ meandmr.com

    1. I know the feeling, except I didn’t grow up in the city. I still get butterflies though every time I drive/train into it.

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