Fit On The Go + Giveaway


I’m here today with my friend Nancy, sharing our best tips for staying fit on the go. We also have an awesome giveaway for you from Soybu and ITunes! I’m almost always on the go so staying fit is a big challenge for me. We’ve teamed up to share our best tips to stay fit while traveling:

Check Out Your Hotel
You can always get in a workout by using the gym at your hotel. Before you book a hotel you can ensure that you choose one with a fitness center. There is almost always basic fitness equipment in there, so hit up the treadmill or elliptical for some good old fashioned cardio to hold you over until you get back home.

Look Around Locally
If your hotel or other accommodations don’t offer a fitness center, try to find one locally. Lots of gyms and fitness centers offer a guest pass and are often happy to accommodate people on the go. You can also look into other places you might want to try like a barre class for a guest pass.

Explore the Outdoors
Why not go for a jog outside? Maybe a walk? Participate in an activity that will burn plenty of calories, like paddle boarding, swimming, hiking, or a night of dancing.

In-Room Options
There are lots of workout options available to stream through the internet, and some cable programming includes a fitness channel of some sort as well. Jessica’s favorite is the Ballet Beautiful series which can be streamed through Amazon.

Nancy has some tips for you on her blog too. Don’t forget to enter the giveaway below!

travel-tips-stay-fit-while-on-the-go-2soybu-itunes-giveaway-1 soybu-itunes-giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway open to US residents age 18 or over only. 
$100 giftcard was provided free of cost by Soybu.
$25 ITunes giftcard was provided by Nancy at Spiffykerms.

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Responses to “Fit On The Go + Giveaway”

  1. I have been traveling a lot for work and although it’s been difficult to keep up with my healthy eating habits, staying active hasn’t been terribly hard. I love walking, running, and biking around new places so I make sure I have enough time to do this for 2 hours when I arrive to a new city or area. This gives me a jumpstart to keeping up with my exercise for however long I am there.

  2. Ashley Bree Perez

    I work out for at least 30 minutes each day. 🙂

  3. I feel like the only time I travel is to visit family but these are great tips!! It’s always fun to workout outdoors in a new area when you are away from home! This giveaway is fantastic!! I hope I win 😉

  4. for some reason the giveaway isn’t working for me and wont let me enter my any entry’s

    1. Never mind got it to work 🙂

  5. I have a hard enough time staying fit at home, but these are great tips. I’m actually hoping to head to our new fitness center today 🙂

  6. Bridget Heiple Reich

    I always take the stairs! 🙂

  7. I’m totally into the Youtube workouts – there are tons available! HIIT workouts usually don’t require much equipment – in fact, you can search Youtube for “no equipment workout” and get a lot. And there’s always yoga, my vacation workout of choice.

  8. I find that on a lot of vacations (especially in Europe) lots of walking is involved so it’s easy to stay active!

  9. you both look super fit!! 🙂 i am the worst about going to the gym or keeping up with a workout whenever i travel. i usually let myself go and eat as much as i want .. then deal with the consequences when i get back home. haha

  10. Exploring the outdoors is definitely my favorite. A trip to the mountains = hiking and it’s my favorite way to get fit – plus you can sightsee and take pictures!

  11. I’m a big believer in walking everywhere we go, plus making breakfast a good wholesome meal. Starting the day off well makes all the difference!

  12. Great tips! I don’t travel much, but when I do I always feel like I don’t have the time to sneak in a workout. Once I’m home I then struggle to get back at it. Traveling would also be a great time to try out all the quick workouts pinned on pinterest.

  13. i had the best intentions these past few weeks that i was traveling but I didn’t work out ONCE! augh. it was horrible. But, this week, since being home again, I’ve made it a point to work out. gotta get back in to that routine!

  14. I need to work better at staying fit just at home. Great tips!

  15. I usually go to the gym in the hotel or a nearby 24 hour fitness as I have the membership where I can go to any 24fitness gym!

  16. it is so hard to exercise like usual when i travel! i find exploring and hiking works best for me!

  17. Great tips! It’s always hard when you are traveling and out of your routine.

  18. I always make sure I walk around loads to explore the area – that’s my work out! I never really take work-out clothes with me on holiday (c’mon, heels or trainers?!) so the most I ever do is running in shorts and a t shirt along the beach in the morning!

    Katie <3

  19. I’m still struggling with just getting fit at home haha. These are great tips though 😀

  20. I stay fit on the go by walking a lot

  21. Great write-up! I’m a fan of being active, no matter where you are. Getting out and exploring the local area/activities is definitely my favorite way to do it. The Amazon Ballet Beautiful class sounds great too – I enjoy barre, and wonder if it’s similar to that. Lastly, the Soybu fashions are super-cute!


  22. It’s so hard to get a workout in on a vacation! These are great tips!

  23. These are great tips! I need to get it in gear at home. Working out has fallen all the way off.

  24. I totally count my girl’s keeping me on the go as my fitness on the go. Great giveaway fingers crossed!!

  25. I wish chasing my kids around had the same effect as a solid work out does. I need to get into the swing of exercising regularly again.

  26. Working outdoors makes such a nice change. 🙂

  27. Whenever I travel I always find a fun workout class to take in the city or make sure I hit up the hotel gym or try to mainly walk if its a walkable city.

  28. I will admit when I go away the last place I wanna see is a gym and you can imagine my shock when I had to go for a business trip with my boss who made sure I only booked hotels with gym and pool (can’t swim but can float). But now I am happy to explore the surrounding areas but still effie on gym

  29. What a great giveaway. I’m all about staying fit, especially on the go – I’m never at home!! Great post – thank you SO MUCH for these tips. I’m so excited to see the winner.

  30. These are definitely some great tips. I travel a few times a year for my job and the one thing I definitely try to find out before booking the hotel is if they have a fitness facility. No fitness facility = not booking there. Personal preference, but I like working out in the gym rather than outdoors. I know, I know, strange.

    Thrifting Diva

  31. When we are traveling, I tend to a lot of walking while exploring the city. That normally helps balance out the extra calories.

  32. I go swimming! Almost all hotels have pools, and I can get up early enough before the kids get up ! You guys look absolutely darling in the shot.

  33. These are great tips! Just because you are on vacation doesn’t mean you have to skip a work out!

  34. Great tips, I used to travel loads for work and did workouts in my hotel room via the net, these days not so much 🙂

  35. Thanks for the tips! My favorite is just getting out and exploring ! We try to ditch the car and walk everywhere when we are on vacation. So relaxing!

  36. These are great tips! I find it easier to make it to the gym in the morning when I at a hotel. I do NOT know what the deal is, but I look forward to waking at 6a and hitting the gym. But there is no way that can ever happen on the reg. haha

  37. Birdiebee

    Anywhere I am at, I take time to power walk or jog.

  38. What great fitness tips for on the move. I totally needed to read this, being super busy and hardly home alot lately. I am totally incorporating some of these into my life. Great share!!

  39. These are great tips! I wish I utilized them more! I am always so excited about the gyms at hotels and I never use them!

  40. Your pinnacle photos are always really great! These were great practical tips that I don’t always consider, especially the in room option.

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