Week 32, Zucchini Bread

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You know the giant zucchini we picked last week? It was perfect for making zucchini bread. After grating, it yielded about 10 cups of zucchini. I wanted it to be quick so I used a recipe from my Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook, nothing super special. I pinned a Perfect Zucchini Bread recipe on Pinterest but it was too sweet for me. The boys had fun “mixin-mixin”, as Søren would say, and later on enjoying the fruits of their labor. I’m glad they are not afraid of the kitchen. Most days Aiden makes lunch for both of them. Maybe next time we will try these Zucchini Fritters.

Do you cook with your kids? If you don’t have kids, did you cook with your parents growing up?

A portrait of my child once a week, every week in 2014. To see the whole series, click here.

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Responses to “Week 32, Zucchini Bread”

  1. Yummmmmm. That looks delicious. You make it look rather easy. Unfortunately, with my baking luck, nothing spectacular will appear,,, BUT, I am going to give it a try.

    Thrifting Diva

  2. Looks delish! Your photos are always so great.

  3. First and foremost, this pictures are adorable. Also, I freaking love zucchini bread and now I have to go make some.

  4. Oh so good! And what an easy way to get your kids to eat their veggies 🙂

  5. I’ve never tried zucchini bread, but I have a feeling I’d love it! Especially with chocolate chips in it 😉

  6. Mmmmm… I have never had zucchini bread but it sounds tasty. It certainly looks tasty in the photos lol 🙂

  7. Funny that you should post this. After seeing your giant zucchini last week I started debating what I should do with my zucchini (we get a CSA box). I decided on zucchini bread and the plan is to make it today! I’m a wuss and adding chocolate though 🙂 haha. Hope yours was as tasty as it looks!

  8. MMMM This looks so tasty and delicious. Have you tried Courgette Cake?! It’s so good with cream cheese icing!

    Katie <3

  9. Holy cow that look so yummy! I love how you got your little guys involved too! Such a great mom! (:

  10. I used to cook and bake and read with my mum growing up.
    One of best memories growing up was when I baked my first cake.
    You have such cute and adorable kids

  11. Yummy! I’ve got zucchini bread in the oven right now, just for me! The rest of the family is in bed and I’m gonna gobble it up because I’m selfish like that 😉 Don’t worry, I have tons of zucchini in the freezer – I’ll have to get the kids to help me tomorrow to erase my guilt.

  12. Zucchini bread is my weakness! Why is it soooo delicious! The boys look like they had a wonderful time mixing!

  13. Yum, this looks so good. Love that you get a veggie hit with zucchini too.

  14. That looks really easy! I love cooking zucchini on the grill, lol for me thats easier than baking 🙂

  15. Wow this looks delicious! I love zucchini bread 🙂

  16. Fun!! I love when kids help out in the kitchen!

  17. What cute little chefs. My daughter likes to create recipes that end up so awful that she wont eat them. We wont let her do it ver often because food is expensive but she loves it.

  18. That looks so tasty! We do a lot of baking in the winter – cookies and banana bread mostly!

  19. your kids are so well behaved!! i wouldn’t be so terrified of having children if they were anything like yours! 🙂

  20. I love, love, love that your boys are making the bread! I haven’t made zucchini bread in forever. I must do it soon!

  21. Yum, this zucchini bread looks great! I haven’t made it in so long, but now you’ve got me craving it!

  22. Such sweet photos! The bread looks so yummy!

  23. yum zucchini bread is one of my favorites! (and the only way I will eat zucchini)

  24. I love zucchini bread it so tasty, I put some raw cacao in mine. It’s great the kids are making it 🙂

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