One Day

Here is a day in the life of … us minus one. Steve is in Boston for work right now so this gave me something to do while he was away (aside from taking care of kids, dogs, cat, house, and such.) I’m not going to caption it since I like to let photos tell their own story, but I will apologize in advance for Mt. Laundry and the overwhelming number of photos. Please click “Read More” if you’d like to see the full day.

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Responses to “One Day”

  1. Aww! Such beautiful pictures! 🙂

  2. Beautiful day!

    1. Yes it was! I feel like I need a few more of these right now.

  3. Your home and these photographs are absolutely beautiful!! Thank you for sharing!
    xo TJ

    1. Thank you! I’m so glad that you can look beyond Mt. Laundry, lol!

  4. teehee! such darling photos of your bebes! So so so cute!

    Soren’s eyes ended up quite dark heh?! Adorable!

    1. Thank you! Heh, I think they might stay hazel? They look darker in some photos than others and change colors depending on what he’s wearing.

  5. Great post! I love all of the photos.

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