Queen Wilhelmina Tulip Garden

This installment of Little Explorer is a stop Søren and I made at Queen Wilhelmina Tulip Garden in San Francisco. We were in the city for coffee with a friend, and I’ve always wanted to see the tulips so we ventured over to the Dutch Windmill in Golden Gate Park to check them out. Sadly we were too late. If you know anything about flowers you will notice right away that those are not tulips, they are poppies. If you want to see the tulips make a note to visit in early Spring, no later. After a quick stop at the garden Søren and I headed to an empty Ocean Beach to watch the waves and seagulls before heading home.

Søren is growing so quickly now, I can’t believe he just turned three. I feel like the time between his second and third birthday flew by. He is more cautious and sometimes even stays by my side more willingly. He is very verbal and can communicate his wants and needs now better than ever. I feel like he’s grown into a little boy but every now and then he shows me that he is still my baby, or as he likes to put it, “I’m your baby bird, Mama”. I often get asked about whether or not we’ll try for a girl. The answer is always no. I’m very content with being a mom of two boys. After all, Mom is always a little boy’s first love. We had Søren’s birthday party last weekend and I can’t wait to share.

Queen Wilhelmina Tulip Garden
1690 John F Kennedy Drive
San Francisco, CA 94121

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Responses to “Queen Wilhelmina Tulip Garden”

  1. These photos are STUNNING! Wow. Great post… everything looks so amazing! http://www.GlamKaren.com

  2. Simply breathtaking!! Thanks for letting me live vicariously through you;)

    Southern Elle Style

  3. Your pictures are always so crisp and beautiful! They do grow up so fast!! He’s a cutie! Can’t wait to see pics of the birthday!

  4. I think the poppies are beautiful too! I have never been to San Fran but this is beautiful! Can’t wait to see your post on your beautiful son’s birthday party!
    xoxo A
    The Miller Affect

  5. Beautiful photos! This sounds like such a fun day. The poppies are beautiful, even if you were hoping to see tulips.

    xo, Mae //Mae Amor

  6. I adore the “I am your baby bird” comment. Have you read him Are You My Mother? It sounds like it is right out of there. This park looks like a beautiful area. What a treasure to spend the time with your friend and then with Soren.

  7. These photos are absolutely stunning!! Makes me want to visit here. Thanks for sharing! 🙂


  8. Linda Doll

    Loved the poppies that were supposed to be tulips!! Tulip season is always one of my personal faves. And Soren … I can’t wait to come home and have a “conversation” with him! His baby bird comment was priceless!

  9. i would LOVE to visit there one day. so pretty! i’ve been to SF but not this gorgeous place.

  10. These pictures are gorgeous! Your son is too cute and looked liked he was having a blast! It is crazy how time flies, isn’t it? My niece turned a year old in February and she’s growing so fast everyday, it is insane!


  11. I’ve never been either! Always wanting to go! Gorgeous pics!

    Monica The Styled Wife

  12. […] year I took my youngest son, Søren, to Queen Wilhelmina Tulip Garden as part of my Little Explorer series. Sadly there weren’t any tulips, but there were lots […]

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