Red Rock Canyon State Park

Red Rock Canyon State Park, California Red Rock Canyon State Park, California Red Rock Canyon State Park, California Red Rock Canyon State Park, California Red Rock Canyon State Park, California Red Rock Canyon State Park, California Red Rock Canyon State Park, California Red Rock Canyon State Park, California Red Rock Canyon State Park, California Red Rock Canyon State Park, California Red Rock Canyon State Park, California Red Rock Canyon State Park, California Red Rock Canyon State Park, California Red Rock Canyon State Park, California Red Rock Canyon State Park, California Red Rock Canyon State Park, California Red Rock Canyon State Park, California Red Rock Canyon State Park, California Red Rock Canyon State Park, California Red Rock Canyon State Park, California

On our last day in the desert we spent a little bit of time exploring Red Rock Canyon State Park. The cliffs there are colored in deep red and orange hues. The weather was very warm so we didn’t do a lot of actual hiking, but you can easily access some of the beautiful cliffs from the road and parking lots. There were a few people from a tour bus climbing on the rocks but it didn’t seem like a good (safe) idea to me. The way the rocks have eroded over the years reminded me of ancient architectural columns, each unique and beautiful in it’s own way. The heat started to peak around noon so we headed home.

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Responses to “Red Rock Canyon State Park”

  1. Holy crap Jess! That third photo of you pointing up to the rocks/mountains/hill – whever those red rocks are, is crazy! You look so small, they look so huge! HAHA. I wonder if people climb there, because there’s a spot in Kentucky caled “Red Rocks” or something, and people climb it all the time. I wonder what stone it is.

    p.s. Are those weird palm trees at the bottom of the post? Are they cactus covered in palm tree? I don’t know. It’s confusing me.

    1. Those are Joshua trees! They are all over in the southwest and some are SO big and beautiful. They don’t have rings like regular trees so they can’t tell how old they are, but they say that the taller ones (30ft) are hundreds of years old!

  2. My hubby loves taking photos of these types of natural settings we have been to lots of red rock formations – they are so beautiful!

    1. Yes they are! I want to go to Zion National park in Utah, haven’t been since I was really young.

  3. Your pictures seriously blow me away. I want to check out the Red Rock Canyon Park. Seriously your pictures are amazing!!!

  4. looks beautiful! At first I thought this was the red rock canyon next to us in Vegas. 🙂 I didn’t know there were others. btw what lipstick are you wearing?

    1. I know, I can’t believe they are so close with the same names! The park is huge though, maybe it’s the same but different sides? My lips are MAC Pink Pigeon lipstick with MAC Dynamo liner.

  5. These pictures are ridiculous! This must have been such a fun trip!

  6. Angelic Sinova

    I’m in LOVE with the last photo! I’ve always tried to get a shot like that but it always comes out blurry! Red Rock Canyon State Park seems like such a amazing place <3

  7. Such cool photos. What a great place to go hiking!

  8. How fun! Gorgeous photos of those stunning hills!

  9. Beautiful!!! I love the desert landscape!
    Melanie @

  10. Beautiful photos, as always! It’s so amazing how beautiful nature is.

  11. Awesome photos. Found you everywhere. You really have a great taste of photography. Keep it up.

    1. Thank you for your kind words.

  12. Pretty!! That is such a fun state park visit 🙂

  13. It’s been forever since I’ve been the Mojave, but I love the desert. You always get great photos!

    – Ava
    beck daily

  14. Great fotos! 🙂 You really have a great taste of photography.. 🙂

  15. That’s my style too – just pull over and take a picture near the rock. And DON’T climb the very old rocks.

  16. That scenery is absolutely beautiful, I always look forward to your posts!

  17. Those rocks look amazing. I’ve never been in a desert in my life so this landscape is so alien to me, it’s awe inspiring.

  18. Absolutely beautiful pictures as always! Those rock formations are amazing!

  19. Gorgeous photos!!!

  20. wow, these photos are awesome! We so a lot of red rock like this when we go out to go riding or to the river, and you never really stop to appreciate the beauty that the desert has. Thanks for sharing, I think next time I might stop! -Holly

  21. Gorgeous! I’ve been there twice but my pics didn’t turn our nearly as good 🙂

  22. Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous!!! Such beautiful reds. This looks like a great place to visit!

  23. Beautiful! The scariedy cat in me would never climb those rocks!

  24. wow what beautiful clear blue skies and amazing canyons! amazing hues. looks like a totally different world, I’d love to explore that side of the world one day. probably best to play it safe on the hiking, mother nature can be pretty dangerous i guess!

    1. *climbing, I meant, not hiking! though it might be pretty easy to get lost in there hiking too. haha 🙂

  25. I love a good drive and this one looks amazing.

  26. Jessica this looks so beautiful, I’d love to go hiking somewhere like this 🙂

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