Refinished Dining Table, New To Us!

I have been yearning for a new dining table for quite some time now and it just so happened that my neighbor got a new one and set hers out on the curb for free. I promptly snatched it up and planned to make it our refinished dining table. I had absolutely no clue what I was doing but I think it turned out pretty good for a first project.

The table started out as white with a light wood top. I apologize for not taking proper before pictures, I was just so caught up in the excitement of a new table.

After many hours of sanding, I stained the table an English Chestnut color and painted the legs a Behr flat black color. It took 5 coats of stain because I didn’t know what I was doing. It wasn’t sanded well enough and we had to sand some more. Good thing Steve did most of the sanding for me, or my arms might have fallen off. Four coats of clear lacquer later, I give you my “new” table:

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Responses to “Refinished Dining Table, New To Us!”

  1. kadance

    Oh wow I love it! Im currently re-finishing a hutch,bookshelf & desk! You did an amazing job 🙂

  2. Looks great! Hope it was worth all the work 🙂

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