Road trip to the Mojave Desert

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Last weekend I took a little trip with a couple of family members to visit my brother who lives in the Mojave Desert. He and his wife are expecting a new little one so my Grandma, Mom, and other brother headed down for their shower. The valley morning was hazy from smoke in the foothills combined with a heat wave. I’m not fond of either of those things and my allergies were going crazy but the beautiful sunset and moonrise almost made up for it. I haven’t driven over Tehachapi pass in a car before, but have very fond memories from riding in the truck as a kid. I’m always surprised at how many memories come back when I visit places that I’ve been before. We made it down to see him just before the sunset.

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Responses to “Road trip to the Mojave Desert”

  1. Those windmills ……….

    1. I sort of <3 them.

  2. It’s been so hot on the west coast lately, I can’t even imagine the desert temps. We’re you melting?

    1. It was pretty warm. I’m used to a really gradual warmup and it was hot as soon as the sun was up in the morning, and hot until the sun went down.

  3. love that photo of the sunset and the open road. picture perfect road trip scenario! hope you had a good time at the shower!

    1. Thanks! The shower made for a good visit. I’m glad I got to make a trip down to support my brother.

  4. Gorgeous photos!

  5. My hubby is a photo buff and he loves taking photos in the dessert. We both love the middle-of-the-road shots, although they always make me very nervous! I also like the roadsigns with the empty road and blue skies. Great photos!

  6. Gorgeous pictures, as always! I’ve never been to a desert like this, it would be such a cool place to drive through.

  7. Wow! Fab pictures once again. I love how vast and diverse the American landscape is. Here in Ireland everything is just green and lush 🙂

  8. Pretty! That moon looks amazing 🙂

  9. Wow! Beautiful photos. I was just talking to my boyfriend about how I want to get better with taking videos on our travels + adventures 🙂 something so fun to look back on!

  10. This looks great! I love your photos!
    The Accidental Mama

  11. GORGEOUS photos 🙂

  12. I love coming to your blog. Your photos are so amazing.

  13. Your photos are stunning! Looks like so much fun!

  14. Great photos! Thanks for sharing! Love those windmills!

  15. You captured your trip so well with photographs you didn’t even need words.

  16. Hey… I’ve been through there plenty of times haha! Everything looks so familiar haha! 🙂

  17. Gorgeous photos, as always! The “blood red” moon looks spectacular! <3

  18. That moon is incredible! I love those long straight roads. I’d love to do a roadtrip with my bf and just drive along them!

    Katie <3

  19. The sunset and the highway picture is my fave. Sort of looks like someone is about to embark on a long life journey.

  20. Ugh, it is not fair how amazing your photos are. So crisp and clear – the photos of the sky make me swoon!

  21. As always your pictures just make me want to go there. Beautiful!

    1. If I go back it will be to a sort of oasis with lots of AC, iced drinks, and a pool, bahaha. 🙂

  22. We’ve driven through there before. It’s pretty awesome. Love your pictures.

    1. Thanks. 🙂 The drive was nice but I don’t fare well in the heat, haha.

  23. Makes me homesick for when I used to live in California. I always loved the site of windmills on the hills.

  24. OMG I can’t imagine how hot it was!! As always, your pictures are fantastic!

  25. Such great pictures! It looks like you guys had so much fun!

  26. You make a road trip to a desert look so beautiful and glamorous!

  27. Very cool; it’s awesome to get a bit closer with nature. Love the range of perspectives you got in the shot (e.g. down the middle of the road), and that little cacti is pretty cool-looking! (I’d say ‘cute’, but I wasn’t sure if that was the best way to describe it. It’s so prickly, it almost looks fuzzy..!)


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