Week 37, At School

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Ever since Aiden started school, Søren has been begging to go too. So while I was away Steve took the boys to visit Aiden’s school. Søren’s favorite thing to do is play on the smaller playground and pretend he’s one of the kids, and of course to roam the school like he owns it. He wasn’t very happy to go home. Despite the massive heatwave we just had, the long shadows of fall are starting to make their way into the evening light.

A portrait of my child once a week, every week in 2014. To see the whole series, click here.

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Responses to “Week 37, At School”

  1. These are some really sweet photos. 😉

  2. Such precious photos that capture such an innocent time in your little one’s life! 🙂

  3. Aiden looks so much older in the first few pics!! Tell him I’m still wearing that green rubberband bracelet he gave me 🙂

  4. I love how beautiful you make ordinary life look. You are seriously talented Jessica!

    1. Ha, thanks. What is ordinary about life? It’s all beautiful! 🙂

  5. Angelic Sinova

    Your sons as just adorable! Lovely photos <3

  6. Adorable, love the big smiles. Particularly like the blue-hued photo inside the playground equipment – cool effect.

  7. Looks like your kiddos are having a great time! Sweet photos of those little moments 🙂

  8. such cute kiddos

  9. love the sunlight in these photos! the one with the two boys on the slide is just lovely!

  10. these photos really captured some precious moments!

  11. These are some adorable photos! The kids look like their having fun!

  12. Gorgeous pictures! Looks like they had a ball at the playground!

  13. What gorgeous photos and he looks like he really had fun.

  14. always love your photos they are ssoo great!

  15. Your babies are so cute. Hope they had a great day at school.

  16. Such a smiley boy!

  17. Such sweet guys! Very lovely photos as always!

  18. These are super cute pictures! Thanks for sharing them with us!

  19. Such cute photo’s it so sweet that he wants to go to school with big bother 🙂

  20. Love how something as simple as playing at the playground has become so gorgeous!

  21. Aww. it is so sweet how much Soren loves his big brother!!

  22. awwww bless him, its good his interested in school now hope that stays for when his actually old enough to go

  23. Hahaha, hopefully at 17 you can show him this blog post and remind him that he LOVED school and always wanted to be there! Great photos — as usual!

    Thrifting Diva

    1. Hahaha, yes! Luckily I don’t post too many details here, so it shouldn’t be an embarrassing thing for him either.

  24. Those are some great pictures!! I love the one with the static in his hair.

  25. Love the pic from above the slide. So awesome.

  26. Great photos. All the playground ones are my favorite. I love how you capture many memories and action shots.

  27. Sweet photos. My daughter doesn’t like that her big brother is at school. She wants to go too!

  28. Samantha

    So sweet and so handsome! They grow too fast, don’t they 🙁

  29. jessica

    Such wonderful photos! How cute!

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