Spring Break in Squaw Valley

Donner Lake, California

Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway. Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway.
Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway. Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway.

Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway.

Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway. Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway.
Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway. Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway.

A few weeks ago when the boys were on Spring Break, we were invited up to the Lake Tahoe area by Resort at Squaw Creek. Not having spent a lot of time around the snow yet, I happily obliged. I took my Mom and the boys up for what would be a snowier than expected getaway. In recent years there hasn’t been a lot of snow around Lake Tahoe, but this year has been one of the wettest on record. We had a lot of plans to enjoy of the wonderful snowy activities that Squaw Creek offered, like sledding and snowshoeing, as well as some amenities from nearby Squaw Valley like ski school for Søren, the aerial tramway, and tubing. However, the weather had other plans.

The drive up was easy enough and we didn’t need to chain up (Yay!) and as we got closer to Tahoe and the resort we started to see more snow on the ground which is always exciting. We arrived late afternoon and after settling in, enjoyed dinner at Sandy’s Pub. I had a burger and fries (a travel favorite for me, ha!). It rained off and on, but overall the weather wasn’t bad. We were pretty worn out from the drive up and headed to bed early with plans for an early morning.

Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway. Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway.
Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway. Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway.
Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway. Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway.

Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway.

Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway. Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway.
Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway. Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway.
Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway. Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway.
Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway. Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway.

The next morning I woke up early and took Søren to the breakfast buffet at Cascades. I’m not usually a fan of breakfast buffets but this one was very complete. They offered both hot and cold breakfast options, fancy drinks included (Hello almond milk latte!). The ground was covered with fresh powder and it was cold and snowy. I nervously took him over to Squaw Kids ski-school drop off. He’s never been skiing before and although he does go to weekly tumbling classes, I’ve never left him alone for this type of lesson. He was really excited and ran off with an instructor very willingly, but as a nervous Mama, I waited around until they came out to begin their actual lesson. I stood back a little and didn’t intervene as the lesson began, just happily snapped away. He seemed fine so I went back to the resort to gather my Mom and Aiden.

Our original plan was to snowshoe while Søren was in class, but the snow wasn’t letting up, it got heavier and windier instead. We waited to see if it would improve, but no dice. We headed over to pick Søren up, have lunch, and ride up the aerial tramway. It was quite snowy and windy so the ride up in the tram made for an exciting one. Once at the top we took a quick glance around and headed back down. The weather didn’t let up so we headed back to our room to rest and recoup before our dinner reservations. Perhaps a better title for this post would be, “Eating our way through Squaw Valley”, ha!

Dinner at Six Peaks grille was delicious as expected. I ordered a Cauliflower steak, something I was introduced to during a trip to Napa a few years ago. The waiter was well-versed in the menu and made appropriate suggestions for everyone at our table. They had a wonderful berry sorbet, which is something I always enjoy. Afterward we headed back to the room to relax before bed.

Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway. Resort at Squaw Creek, a Spring break Lake Tahoe getaway.

Looking over Emigrant Gap, California

The morning of our departure the sun shined bright as we watched the cars pile into Squaw Valley from our window. We enjoyed another breakfast at Cascades before checking out and heading on our way. The drive was effortless as the sun had cleared all the snow from the previous day. Although the weather altered our plans a little, we still enjoyed some great R&R in the beautiful Squaw Valley. I’d love to return here sometime to do more exploring, who knew there were so many great places near Tahoe to explore?

Resort at Squaw Creek
400 Squaw Creek Road
Olympic Valley, California 96146

Have you been skiing or snowboarding before? Do you enjoy the snow?

This post is in partnership with Resort at Squaw Creek, a Destination Hotel. Although I was not compensated for this review, our trip was provided by Resort at Sqauw Creek.

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Responses to “Spring Break in Squaw Valley”

  1. Neely Moldovan

    Looks like such an amazing vacation. So wonderful! I love your photos!

  2. This sounded like a fun getaway with some of the cozy comforts of home. I loved skiiing as a kid. I think I’d need to relearn my skills now though!

  3. Gosh, what an amazing place. I bet you had wonderful time there, and my wanderlust is triggered again!!

  4. These are some gorgeous views. I’ve never really been a big fan of the snow or snow related activities but I think I would be more enthusiastic about them in a beautiful environment like this one.

  5. I have never been to Lake Tahoe but have heard so much about it. Your photos just make me want to go even more! Time to make plans to visit and the Resort t Squaw Creek just looks like the perfect place to stay.

  6. How gorgeous! My kids are young now but in a couple of years I’d like to take them on a ski vacation!

  7. Neha Saini

    WOW! I love snow 🙂 Nothing would be better than a snowier expected getaway. I would love to go there sometime to do more exploration.

  8. That is so beautiful there, I have a cousin who lives there and I hear it’s a gorgeous place to live. I love the idea of visiting this location except in winter. I saw my cousin get slammed with snow badly last winter.

  9. A great getaway for anyone looking to hold onto winter a little longer. My teens love the snow

  10. This is bringing me back to my teen years! My family and I used to go to Squaw Valley all the time to go skiing during our Ski Week!

    1. Ahh, must have been so fun! They’re talking about extending ski season to JULY this year, can you believe it?!

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