Summer Wanderlust


Summer Road Trip In Iceland, our first stage planning details.

Now that Summer is quickly approaching, we’ve been thinking about solidifying our travel plans, and have been weighing our options. I’ve been neck deep in Summer wanderlust photos and although it seems like a silly problem, we just haven’t been able to make our mind up about where to go and what to do. Here are a few trips we’re considering:

2016 Travel Wishlist, Iceland 2016 Travel Wishlist, Iceland 2016 Travel Wishlist, Iceland

Iceland With Kids
This trip would be a fast-paced one for us, full of adventures. I don’t envision much lounging waterside in a swimsuit, but it’s been on our travel wishlist for quite some time and I’m hoping would be everything we’ve dreamed about. One drawback is that the northern lights aren’t really visible during the Summer.

Summer Travel Wanderlust, Sweden during the Summer! Summer Travel Wanderlust, Sweden during the Summer! Summer Travel Wanderlust, Sweden during the Summer!

Swedish Summer Cabin

Our other option is to spend part of our Summer in Sweden. The trip would likely be very relaxed, staying in a rental cabin in a small town on the water. I’ve found a few places to rent that I’ve fallen in love with, and a tranquil retreat might be just what we need right now.

2016 Travel Wishlist, Alberta, Canada 2016 Travel Wishlist, Alberta, Canada2016 Travel Wishlist, Alberta, Canada 2016 Travel Wishlist, Alberta, Canada

Alberta, Canada
I’ve long wanted to visit this area due to beautiful photos of glacial lakes that I’ve seen around. I imagine this trip would be somewhere in between the two above, with some adventure and some time spent relaxing near a lake. I haven’t done much research for this one, so I’m not sure of an exact location. On the plus side, airfare might be cheaper (and duration shorter) than flying to Iceland or Sweden.

I’m so torn. I’d love to do all of these but that’s not in the cards for this Summer.

Which is your favorite? Do you have any travel plans this Summer?

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Responses to “Summer Wanderlust”

  1. Kyla Currier

    I want to travel to all of those places! But the one that pulls me the most is definitely Iceland! It looks so beautiful there!
    xo, Kyla – KyMarieC / @kycurrierlewis

  2. I am dying to go traveling!!! These are some great places!!!
    Brooke | InaWorldofBees,There’sMe

  3. Jessica

    I want to go! What beautiful photos!

  4. these photos are breathtaking!! so beautiful… I would love to travel to all of those places!

  5. Oh my goodness, all these places are so beautiful! Even though I hate cold weather, I would have to saw Iceland! I love that sky picture!

    Amanda ||

  6. Ooooh – Iceland would be an amazing place to travel and visit. Feeling like it might not be in my lifetime, so thanks for some of the photos! So gorgeous!
    Karen |

  7. All of these pictures make me want to pack my bags, get on a plane and go travel the world! So beautiful!!
    Taylor |

  8. Yessss! I love all of these photos. The most amazing experience I ever had was dog-sledding under the Northern Lights and I love this image of tbe lights, absolutely amazing! xx

  9. we’ve been considering iceland!! such good choices – you can’t go wrong with any of them 🙂
    Southern Elle Style

  10. Man, tough choices! All of these options sound fabulous!! I would love to tour Europe more, so I would probably vote for Sweeden or Iceland!

  11. I live in Alberta and frequent the mountains. There is no shortage of things to do! I’m still discovering new lakes/hikes/paths and I’ve lived here my whole life!

  12. all these photos are so beautiful! i’d love to visit iceland!

    xoxo, Preeti


    All of these options sound so amazing! That Swedish cabin just sounds so perfect and relaxing! xo

  14. Iceland is one of the best vacations I have ever taken! My husband and I both agree of everywhere it’s one place we absolutely must go back to

  15. Lake Louise in Alberta is stunning!! I went there when I was a teenager on a bus tour through Vancouver and Alberta and I loved it! Iceland is a place that is definitely on my list. I’ve been thinking about traveling there more and more lately.
    Charlene The Frugal Fashionista

  16. Your summer plans sound amazing!! Ive been wanting to go to Ireland – cant wait to see all your photos!


  17. oh my god!! 😮
    it everything real? hahaha it looks like a place that just exist on the movies.
    I wish i can meet this someday 🙂

    awesome post, very inspiring.

  18. Wow how would you even choose?! They all look like winners to me! I have been dying to go to Canada though so I think that would be my top pick 🙂

    Signed by,
    Shelbi |

  19. […] last week when I shared some Summer Wanderlust with you? We finally bit the bullet and chose our Summer adventure… we’re going to […]

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