Tips for Building Your Capsule Wardrobe

Maintaining your closet, tips & tricks to help your capsule wardrobe last longer.

Above: Cuyana Silk Tee, Cuyana Swim Coverup, Acne Studios White Tee, Cuyana Silk Dress, Lou & Grey Backzip Sweatshirt.

Since I’ve been keeping a minimal wardrobe for awhile now, I’ve picked up a few habits that allow me to keep my closet cohesive and feeling like ‘me’. Today I’m sharing some quick and easy tips with you, from assessing your current closet, to cleaning it out, and filling in the gaps later.

Assess what you already have and wear.
Take a good look at the clothes that you already wear. An easy way to tell is called the Hanger Trick. Simply hang your clothing with the hangers facing backwards, so the open part of the hook facing you, and then once you’ve worn it, turn it around. It’s an easy way to take note of what’s not being worn and what is taking up useful space in your closet.

Clean out what you don’t.
Now it’s time to clean out the items that you don’t wear, don’t (and won’t for the foreseeable future) fit, or are in need of repair. Need some tips? Here’s my post on how to clean out your closet, and what to do after cleaning out your closet. You don’t need to put a number on it, but if you have 5 black t-shirts, you might want to re-think their function in your closet.

Analyze your style.
Look at what is left in your closet and try to define it using a few words. What kind of need do you have for clothing? Obviously someone who works in an office might need more business wear than someone who stays home. Do you dress more casually, formally? Preppy? Modern? What types of colors do you wear most often and feel your best in? Do you feel better in dresses or t-shirts and jeans? Make some mental notes about your style and the type of clothing you love to keep on hand.

Look for gaps or needs in your closet.
Make note of any gaps or needs in your wardrobe. I know that I’m low on shorts right now so I should keep an eye out for any that I might need or fall in love with for the Summer.

Take your time shopping.
When you are shopping, really think about those mental notes you made. Not only are you looking for items in the right category, but items that will fit in with your closet well. This helps keep you from buying clothing that isn’t versatile enough to wear often.

Do you keep a minimal closet? How do you assess when it is ‘enough’?

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Responses to “Tips for Building Your Capsule Wardrobe”

  1. I love my capsule wardrobe. When anybody asks me what’s the biggest change I’ve made through minimalism I always say my wardrobe. It’s had the most positive affect on me. It’s hard to know when enough is enough but I think staying true to yourself and thinking about what it is you really need will put you on the right track. Great post.

  2. These are great tips! I always do closet clean outs in the fall and spring and get rid of the clothes i haven’t worn.

    Amanda ||

  3. Great timing with this post! I have been wanting (needing) to clean out the tons of clothes I no longer wear, and have been wanting to build up a new wardrobe starting with the basics. You gave some great tips, and now I cannot wait to get started!

  4. It really sunk in when you talked about taking your time. I totally see how that would be vital in creating a capsule wardrobe. Lightbulb!

  5. LOVE the hanger trick idea! I do however think the un-uniform hangers would drive me batty. haha Such a great idea, though!!!

    1. It makes me CRAZY to look at them when I do it, haha. I sort of don’t like it sometimes though because it almost encourages you to wear clothes you might not normally wear because you have to look at backwards hangers. I usually just put my ‘newer’ worn ones to the side closer to the entrance to my closet so the lesser worn ones are farther back.

  6. Totally agree with you. I try to keep my wardrobe to a minimum so it’s always neat and tidy in the closet. I just pack up what I don’t need for the season in boxes and move them out of the way.

  7. Mmm very nice post, simple and easy to follow ideas shared. Thanks a lot, keep up the beautiful work

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