Tips for Visiting a Theme Park

This post is sponsored by Kia Motors.

6 Tips for Visiting a Theme Park 6 Tips for Visiting a Theme Park
6 Tips for Visiting a Theme Park 6 Tips for Visiting a Theme Park
6 Tips for Visiting a Theme Park 6 Tips for Visiting a Theme Park
6 Tips for Visiting a Theme Park Tips for Visiting a Theme Park

6 Tips for Visiting a Theme Park

I’ve been to a few theme parks in my day, and one thing I know is they are a lot like travel. You might lose a hairband, you might get sick, and you’ll probably be hungry. Today I’ve partnered with Kia Motors and Six Flags to share my best tips for how to survive a theme park, from planning ahead, to packing, to finding ways to make the park seem less crowded.

Eat a big breakfast.
Or don’t if you get sick easy, but it’s probably best to eat one anyway! I firmly believe a big breakfast makes a great start to the day and you’ll need lots of energy to spend time walking around and exploring the park.

Pack the essentials.
When we spend the day out in the sun I always be sure that we bring hats for everyone, and plenty of sun protection. Even if a day is overcast, there is still potential for sun exposure and it’s better for your skin if you SPF up! If you have any kind fo hair, extra hairbands are a must! You may lose one walking around, or even during a ride. I also pack some baby wipes in case we need to clean up after applying sunscreen, etc.

Get there when the park opens.
We like to arrive as soon as the park opens to try to take advantage of any shorter lines and to try to avoid being there in the hottest part of the day. You can also take advantage of special deals or promotions that are going on in the park. Since we went for a Kia event, we received flash passes (front of the line) and dolphin bucks (credit for purchase of food, etc.) in exchange for test driving a vehicle. I chose to drive the Kia Niro and it was an incredibly smooth ride. Using the flash passes, my husband went on 4 of the major roller coasters and the new Wonder Woman ride without waiting in line, score!

Paying for the extras is usually worth it.
On other trips we’ve paid for upgrades and the cost has usually been worth it. At Disneyland we stayed in their hotel and had a magic morning, which includes getting into the park before it opens. At Six Flags as we pulled into the parking lot we noticed premium parking very near the shuttle and it was only an extra $5 to upgrade from regular parking, so we went for it. I have to say, not walking an extra long walk after spending all day walking around the park was worth it with the kids.

Find a quiet place.
This one is for my fellow introverts. Although you may not believe me, there are places in these parks where no one is. These are your quiet places, your safe places. Use them to your advantage and take breaks there when you need to.

Know when to call it quits.
We took our little ones with us to the park, so calling it quits usually happens as soon as they start to show any signs of being tired. We save any souvenir shopping we do for last as a little bit of incentive to keep them going long enough to get to the car. If you are feeling too tired, dehydrated, or hungry, it may be time to head home. Taking care of yourself and your health should come before spending extra time at the park just because it’s still open.

Do you have any tips or tricks for visiting a theme park?

Thanks to Kia Motors for sponsoring this post. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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Responses to “Tips for Visiting a Theme Park”

  1. This comes at a perfect time as I’m planning a water park visit for our family. Great tips! Thanks for sharing.

    Brooke ||

  2. Jennifer G

    This is really cute! Love the tips for visiting a theme park. Will make the visit much easier. Thank you.

  3. We’re planning to take my son to a theme park this summer. Just a smaller one, Dorney maybe. I totally agree with eating a good meal before you go. Food is SO expensive in the park! We eat big before and after, and just a tiny snack in the park. These are all good ideas!

  4. These are great tips! One thing we always do when we go to theme parks is pack our own lunches, It saves so much money that way.

    Amanda ||

  5. Yes, finding a few quiet places to escape is essential for this introvert. I have been wanting to take my little guy to a theme park but all the noise and chaos can be so overwhelming.

  6. Catherine Sargent

    These are all great tips. We live in central Florida and we spend a lot of time at the different theme parks. I like to arrive early and head home in the afternoon before it gets super hot outside.

  7. We were just talking about a theme park. It’s next on our agenda. 🙂

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