Pack for 10 Days in Miami, Florida

Click for an updated packing list, available on my new site, pack for where?

Copyright Matthew Paulson
Miami Skyline Image Copyright Matthew Paulson

I’ve been thinking about a tropical beach lately, so this travel light will be centered around a trip to Miami, Florida! We don’t have any trips planned here as a family yet and I’ve only been here once years and years ago, but a girl can dream right?

1. Hat / 2. Umbrella / 3. Sunglasses / 4. Shorts / 5. Olive Top / 6. Striped Tee / 7. Light Sweater / 8. Swimsuit / 9. Coverup / 10. White Dress / 11. Black Dress / 12. White Denim / 13. Weekender Bag / 14. Scarf / 15. Split Loafers / 16. Sandals

The weather looks to be around the high 80s with intermittent rain showers.

Day 1 Welcome to Miami!
Day 2 Hit the Beach!


Day 3 Art Deco Tour
Day 4 South Beach


Day 5 Vizcaya Museum
Day 6 Spa Day


Day 7 Rainy stroll
Day 8 Walk along the beach.


Day 9 Everglades Ride
Day 10 Fly Home!


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Responses to “Pack for 10 Days in Miami, Florida”

  1. this is so cool!

    1. Thanks! I wish I could enjoy, we don’t have a trip planned here right now! We did go to Florida a couple years back though and had a great time. 🙂

  2. car Davin

    This is great! Thanks for this list, it will be perfect for my trip.

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