Trimming the Tree & Holiday Decor

Trimming the tree with glittery ornaments and starbursts. Trimming the tree with glittery ornaments and starbursts. Trimming the tree with glittery ornaments and starbursts. Trimming the tree with glittery ornaments and starbursts. Trimming the tree with glittery ornaments and starbursts. Trimming the tree with glittery ornaments and starbursts. Trimming the tree with glittery ornaments and starbursts. Trimming the tree with glittery ornaments and starbursts. Trimming the tree with glittery ornaments and starbursts. Trimming the tree with glittery ornaments and starbursts. Trimming the tree with glittery ornaments and starbursts. Trimming the tree with glittery ornaments and starbursts. Trimming the tree with glittery ornaments and starbursts. Trimming the tree with glittery ornaments and starbursts.

Last week we visited the tree farm, and while the tree is beautiful it’s time to do some decorating. Usually after we bring our tree home, we spend a day or two trimming the tree and getting festive with other holiday decor. The lights go on first, and sometimes they take some time to put on properly. I use twinkly starry lights in diamond wire, they’re so beautiful. This year I used 200 feet of them. Since the wires are so thin I like to run them along the length of the branches and back to the trunk, continuing up the tree. I know it’s complicated, but I love the look of them.

After the lights are strung, it’s smooth sailing. I don’t use a lot of ornaments because I like to let the tree (and lights) shine. The boys usually help out, and I make small adjustments as we go. This year we tried something different and included these black ornaments on the tree. Once we’re done with that, my husband, Steve, or I usually place the topper on, but after some back-and-forth with decorating, we’re leaving it off this year. Perhaps we’ll have the boys make something to put up there later on, but for now we’re just enjoying our tree that looks like a tree.

Are having a tree this year? Did you already put it up and decorate it? What does it look like?

Shop the tree:

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Responses to “Trimming the Tree & Holiday Decor”

  1. so pretty ! I love it!

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Bri! I hope all is well. 🙂

  2. Such beautiful pictures-they capture the magic and coziness of Christmas perfectly!

    1. Thanks, Chelsea!

  3. Who knew black ornaments would look good on a Christmas tree? My mom would definitely be against it, though! #traditional
    We just put up ours last Sunday! We initially planned on getting a real tree, but we live in an apartment with carpet floors, so decided against it the last minute. We did went BIG, though (as in 7.5′ fake Christmas tree), since it’s our first as a married couple; my husband’s family didn’t practice putting up a Christmas tree back home (SO SAD).

    1. Aw, I’m glad you guys got your first one together, that’s so sweet!

      Part of me wishes the ornaments were shiny. I might have to bust out some gloss spray paint, ha!

  4. […] is usually centered around home for us. We settle in and get festive, from choosing our tree to all the trimmings, holiday parties, & cookies for Santa, and beyond. The weather is very winter-y lately, not […]

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