Introducing, Trampolinn


I’ve partnered up to share a new service called Trampolinn. Trampolinn is a new service similar to other home rental and couchsurfing sites, except it’s free. Yes, free. You can earn points by sharing your home, updating your profile, sharing Trampolinn with friends, or you can purchase additional points. You can then spend the points to rent other homes, couch surf, or rent a room in someone’s home. I think the concept is really intriguing and I can’t wait to try it out on one of our next trips. I’ve rounded up a few of my favorite ski-inspired places to share today, all available via Trampolinn.

apartment-chamonix apartment-torgon-1 house-dakota-ridge-2

Chamonix, France / Torgon?, Switzerland / Idaho Springs, Colorado

My favorite place so far is in the first photo. The alps look absolutely breath-taking. I’d love to stay there sometime!

Which place would you choose? Where would you go if you didn’t have to spend money?

This post is in partnership with Trampolinn. To learn more about Trampolinn and how you can stay places for free on your next vacation, please visit their website, All opinions, and text are my own. All images are copyright their respective owners, found on their individual Trampolinn listing. Thank you for supporting the brands that make life here at Team Wiking a little sweeter.

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Responses to “Introducing, Trampolinn”

  1. That first photo does look absolutely breathtaking! And are you a big skier babe? If so, you should come visit Whistler up here in Canada! I live like 30 minutes away from the ski mountains and oh boy, they’re amazing! You should totally look into coming up here. xx

    Jodi Duncan
    The Balanced Traveler

    1. It’s definitely on our list to visit in the next few years. I haven’t tried skiing before but can board. I’ve thought about Whistler so many times it’s not even funny. 🙂

  2. I want to go to Hawaii! Super cool idea, thanks for sharing!

    1. I’ve had Maui on the brain for so long, but now I’m getting antsy about plans and would probably “settle” for one of the other islands too. 😉

  3. Those photos are breathtaking! Are they for real?! 😛 Couchsurfing is a free site, but you’re really just getting a couch. LOL

    1. I’d feel creeped out sleeping on someones couch. I know a lot of people do it, but I definitely wouldn’t sleep well, haha.

  4. Chamonix is beautiful. I would love to go back there sometime – and maybe stay in a little cottage high in the alps 🙂

    1. It’s on my invisible list now. 🙂

  5. This sounds amazing! You always have the best updates on the latest in travel. I’m definitely going to check it out!

    1. I’m really excited about it. Sometimes other similar sites aren’t as enticing because I have a hard time giving up the ‘hotel’ style extras.

  6. love these pictures! chamonix is one of my favorite spots on earth!! xx

    1. Aren’t they beautiful? I’d love to go to Chamonix one day, my husband saw the photos and is on board now, haha.

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