Week 45, Swamped

The past couple of weeks have just been a blur of rearranging the house, work, school, chasing toddlers, and prepping for Aiden’s eleventh birthday party this weekend. For a quick breather yesterday, I took Søren to the TotSpot Red Carpet event at one of my favorite places, Bumble. The kids were able to walk the red carpet in their TotSpot finds and enjoy some delicious food.

TotSpot at Bumble Los Altos TotSpot at Bumble Los Altos TotSpot at Bumble Los Altos TotSpot at Bumble Los Altos TotSpot at Bumble Los Altos

After Aiden was out of school I took him to see my favorite (and only) hair stylist, Izabel at Izabelz Salon, for a little freshening up before his party this weekend. He always grumbles about getting his hair washed before a cut, but deep down I think he really enjoys it.

Izabelz Hair Salon Izabelz Hair Salon Izabelz Hair Salon Izabelz Hair Salon

I don’t know how I’m still treading water, but it’s working for now and soon I’ll be able to relax.

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Responses to “Week 45, Swamped”

  1. hehe looks like a lot of fun!

  2. Hope the birthday party goes well! I need a haircut too 🙂

    1. Thanks! I think it went pretty well. It was a lot less stressful with Søren being older and able to entertain himself a little while I prep. 🙂 Hope you get your haircut soon!

  3. Oh it sounds like a lot, hope the party goes well and your able to find a moment to rest soon!


    1. Thanks! Everything went smoothly. Took this weekend to rest up. 🙂 I’m excited to share more details soon!

  4. Jennifer

    Hope you got everything done. Can’t wait to see the party.

  5. This is so cute! I love the picture of Soren and Savannah playing shop 🙂

  6. Sorin looks so cute with his star hat.

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