Week 6, Water Babies

6/52 | 52 Weeks Project

The boys in their happy place. If there is water around, they are happy in it.

What you see in the far right corner are hexbug aquabots. I don’t think they are meant to be a bath toy but they keep both boys more captivated than any other toy and don’t take up much space. It was a nice change to not have to dry the bathroom floor after bath time.

A portrait of my child once a week, every week in 2014. To see the whole series, click here.

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Responses to “Week 6, Water Babies”

  1. Omg soren’s hair! I know his name has that special character in it but I’m not sure how to add that 🙁 sorry!

  2. I know, it’s getting so long! I don’t think I’m ready to cut it though. It usually curls up into little ringlets after the bath and I’m in love with it.

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