Week 21, Fly a Kite

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It was a bit breezy one day so we took the kite to the park. Aiden always enjoys it as long as Søren isn’t trying to take him down or steal the kite. Søren is almost old enough now to fly it on his own. We have to just keep reminding him not to grab the line.

A portrait of my child once a week, every week in 2014. To see the whole series, click here.

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Responses to “Week 21, Fly a Kite”

  1. Your family is really adorable. I didn’t go kiting for years but I always envy people who do, with or without kids. It is such a fun and relaxing activity.


    1. Thank you. We have a few kites that we’ve collected over the years but we never really go fly them. I’m not super interested in it but my husband is and the little one likes them now too. There is a park here, called Cesar Chavez Park, near Berkeley Marina. Lots of people fly kites there, it’s really cool to watch: http://teamwiking.com/2014/03/26/cesar-chavez-park-berkeley-california/

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