Week 25, Mother Nature

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A short trip to my hometown in this warm weather resulted in the kids running around past bed time, playing with the hose, helping in the garden, and picking flowers. It put a smile on my face to just let them run free and explore nature. Aiden clipped some California Poppy seeds so we can plant them in our yard and Søren was busy collecting flowers, rocks, and walnuts.

A portrait of my child once a week, every week in 2014. To see the whole series, click here.

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Responses to “Week 25, Mother Nature”

  1. Absolutely amazing photos again.

  2. Beautiful photos! I love catching little moments!

  3. Wow! Gorgeous photos! Such great snapshots of a weekend away.

  4. Such lovely photos of your kiddos!

  5. Your photos are divine! Thank you so much for sharing your talent 🙂

  6. Beautiful pictures! And such sweet memories!

  7. SO beautiful! And, such precious moments! <3

  8. the flowers are so beautiful…

  9. Gorgeous photos! The flowers are so beautiful

  10. As always, your photos are outstanding. Your children are so lucky to have you with so much talent and love.

  11. Your photos are just — amazing. I love reading your blog and seeing what great snapshots you have in store!

  12. Gorgeous pictures. Your children look like pure joy! *and the dog too* 🙂

  13. What gorgeous photos 🙂

  14. You always have the best photos

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