2nd Annual Cupcakes and Champagne

2nd Annual Cupcakes and Champagne winner, Vegan Margarita Cupcakes

I had my 2nd Annual Cupcakes and Champagne party today and my delicious Vegan Margarita Cupcakes won 1st prize! I can’t believe it, the other cupcakes were all very delicious as well. I think this recipe will be one of my favorites from now on.

I used the vegan recipe from here.

The turnout was rather small, but enthusiastic. I think I gave late notice for the party and it was a little low key. Hopefully next year will turn out a lot better. I’m not sure what type of recipe I will use, but I’ve got a year to figure it out!

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Responses to “2nd Annual Cupcakes and Champagne”

  1. Mrs. Doll, They look absolutely adorable. How did you make the icing stiff? I’m looking for a good icing recipe so I can decorate my wedding cupcakes.
    Btw, congratulations darling, you look stunning and the photos are just fantastic!
    Enjoy your honeymoon!

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