6 Years Old! / Giveaway

Team Wiking World Traveler Giveaway! Win this J.Crew Passport Case & Luckies of London Scratch Globe!

Today Team Wiking is 6 years old. Wow! I can’t believe I get to type that now. Six years ago this blog began with a post about us camping in our backyard, who knew it would grow into so much more? Team Wiking was originally a means to keep our far-away family updated and started with a single adventure as a family. I feel like over the years it has evolved and come back full circle. We have so many memories of our adventures as a family that will be forever kept in our hearts. I’m so thankful that we’ve been able to explore and document as we go, I can’t imagine our lives any different than they are now.

With that said, I’ve got a giveaway for you!

Team Wiking World Traveler Giveaway! Win this J.Crew Passport Case & Luckies of London Scratch Globe!

I’m giving away a J.Crew Passport Case in metallic silver/gold leather, and a Luckies of London Scratch Globe. They are two of my favorite travel related things, enter to win below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Responses to “6 Years Old! / Giveaway”

  1. I want to scratch off Italy, France, Thailand, Spain and so many more places!!

    1. All of those are on my list too! Well, farther down. I have some higher priority stuff in front of them. 😀

  2. Laura Kathleen

    I want to go to Australia and Asia soooo badly! I’m going to Peru in October and I could not be more excited!

    1. Australia is high on my list too! Maybe in a couple of years, lol. Have fun in Peru!

  3. yay! happy birthday team wiking! my husband promised me a honeymoon in turkey and it didn’t work out so i’m still dying to visit!

    1. Thanks! Ooh, that sounds like a lot of fun, and good food!

  4. Happy blog birthday!!
    I love reading your blog and seeing all your beautiful pictures of your family’s adventures.
    I too started my blog as a way for family and friends to keep up with our adventures, especially after moving to the other side of the world. A friend recently commented that he wished his parents had kept a visual diary like this of his childhood and that’s when I realized that not only is my blog a great way for my family back home to keep up with our lives but it’s a virtual memory book that my kids can look back on and relive their adventures. Your boys will definitely have an amazing memory book of their childhood!

  5. Oh, and there are so many countries I would love to be able to scratch off that map! Mexico is on my mind right now but I think our next big trip will be back home to Australia so little Mathilde can meet her family 🙂

    1. Thanks Sally! Yes, I really enjoy using the blog as a way to document our lives, but I also like that it holds me accountable to actually take those photos. So often we get lazy and don’t take photos. It just doesn’t occur to us since everything is so fresh and readily accessible now that in 10 years it might not be. You forget small details and your version of the story might change, but a single photograph can tell a huge story, and the story is always the same year after year, after year.

      I have to say that for us Mexico was really fun, I wish we had gone somewhere a little more exotic in Mexico but the flight was longer and we were a little intimidated when it came to flying with an almost 2- year old. Your back home is so exciting! My back home is a tiny town 100 miles away from where we live now, borrrringgggg.

  6. I want to scratch off Scotland, mainly becuase I will be heading there in Jan but would love to be there now!

    1. I’d love to go there, too! I’d imagine it to be insanely beautiful. Have a great trip!

  7. congrats and many more! I love following along 😉
    would love to scratch NY very soon!

    1. Thanks! I really enjoy your comments, too! I haven’t been to NYC since 2002, but I hope you get to go soon!

  8. Biljana

    Happy blog birthday! I’ve been reading your blog for few months, thank you for sharing your photos and great trip tips with us.

    1. Thanks for reading Biljana! Where would you like to scratch off of your globe if you win?

  9. Happiest birthday to your wonderful blog! So glad I stumbled upon it! Thanks for hosting an awesome giveaway!

    1. Oh, and I hope to scratch off Iceland someday 🙂

      1. Thanks!

        Iceland is really high on our list right now. A couple of different friends have gone recently and we’re so green with envy! Aiming for next summer, but we’ll see how everything actually pans out.

  10. Ashley Bree Perez

    would love to scratch off all of Europe!!!! 🙂 I want to go all over the world one day! (:

    1. That’s a good goal to have! 😀

  11. I’d love to scratch off anywhere in the East/Asia. I’ve never been, and I’m dying to experience it!

    1. Laura that sounds like so much fun! I was supposed to be an exchange student to Japan in 2003 but things didn’t work out after the war started and the trip had to be canceled. 🙁 I’d really love to visit Thailand and China, too.

  12. lorna j


    1. Sounds fun! Did you get to check out my Travel Light post for a trip to Rome?

  13. Feeling Africa for my next trip! South Africa, Namibia, Ethiopia.. would be a big change from my last trip- Germany! x

    1. Thanks for entering!

      Nice, I keep seeing images from South Africa that make me really want to go.

  14. Happy birthday to your blog! I love all the photos of your beautiful family. 🙂 I would love to scratch off Greece and Croatia. I really want to take an Adriatic Sea cruise someday. 🙂

    1. Thank you! Greece sounds so dreamy right now, my friend is there for her honeymoon and I’m totally living vicariously through her.

  15. Natalie Brown

    Hello & Congratulations!! I really want to scratch Alaska off of the globe. It looks to be so beautiful and fun. Thank-you!!

    1. Thanks! I don’t want to give anything away, but you’ll probably like what you see on this blog pretty soon! 😉

  16. Colleen Boudreau


  17. Michelle B

    I’m going to India in a few months for a friend’s wedding, so can’t wait to scratch that off my list as well as the globe!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Ooh, have fun!

  18. I really want to go to California! Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. I can’t argue with California. 😉

  19. I’d scratch off tons of places across north america, and then hong kong, and china. I wish I could scratch off the whole globe!

    1. One day! Get to it! 🙂

  20. Tracy Nixon

    Lapland over Christmas and New Year and the Australian outback! Thank you!

    1. Ooh, have fun! Thanks for entering!

  21. kim neville

    Would love to go to Mauritius and Disneyland Florida

    1. Wow, Mauritius looks so dreamy!

  22. kellie rose wilson

    DYING to go to Greece! 🙂

    1. It’s starting to come up on my list right now, have seen some amazing photos of it lately. 🙂

  23. Chelsea


    1. Nice! Thank you for your entry. 🙂

  24. kim neville

    One place the family would all like to go to is Disneyland Florida

    1. Sounds fun! I’ve heard that you should spend at least 5 days there to be able to experience most of it and not get tired out. :O

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