The Pond

Pond in Modesto, California Pond in Modesto, California Pond in Modesto, California Pond in Modesto, California Pond in Modesto, California Pond in Modesto, California Pond in Modesto, California Pond in Modesto, California Pond in Modesto, California Pond in Modesto, California Pond in Modesto, California Pond in Modesto, California Pond in Modesto, California Pond in Modesto, California Pond in Modesto, California Pond in Modesto, California Pond in Modesto, California Pond in Modesto, California Pond in Modesto, California

When we were visiting family over the holidays my brother took us to one of his favorite places to go for quiet time. It’s a small pond along the river in my home town and made for the perfect place to reflect on the last year and set goals for this one. Aiden always enjoys the outdoors, and Søren’s collection of sticks grew with every step. We also spent most of our time keeping Søren out of the pond, so it was good exercise, ha.

How did you start your new year?

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Responses to “The Pond”

  1. Really beautiful photos as always. It’s so lovely to keep a family blog, because you are going to have such wonderful photos to look back on, especially once the kids are grown. This holiday, my family and I spend a lot of time watching old home movies and it made me realise how important it is to catalogue the memories. I cannot wait until I have a family myself one day. Do you guys also make home videos or mainly capture the moments through photos?

    Rae of love from berlin

    1. We mostly do photos since it’s a lot easier to get quality stuff. Sometimes we do video but it usually takes a lot more planning.

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