Maker Faire 2015

San Francisco Maker Faire Maker Faire San Mateo 2015 Maker Faire San Mateo 2015 Maker Faire San Mateo 2015 Driving Cupcakes at Maker Faire Driving Cupcakes at Maker Faire Fire Statues at Maker Faire San Francisco Maker Faire Fire Statues at Maker Faire #robotdanceparty Lego Jeep at Maker Faire 2015 Cardboard Robots at Maker Faire Maker Faire 2015

Last month, thanks to Air France and Maker Faire, the boys and I had the opportunity to attend Maker Faire 2015 in the San Francisco Bay Area. It was my very first Maker Faire experience, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. In the past Steve and Aiden attended together, but this year Steve had a booth so I braved the crowds with the boys.

Make Faire is known as “The Biggest Show And Tell On Earth”, and rightfully so. We found so many amazing new projects from all ages, ranging from drones to 3d printing, and back again. The event encompasses what I’d like to call a romance between crafts and technology. One of our favorite parts was the dark room, where we met Geoffry the Giraffe. All of the different parts were labeled and interactive, so if you pet his face, he’d react depending on which part of his face you touched. We met up with Sally for lunch, and to cheer her girls on for the real life whack-a-mole (mole-a-whack, the roles are reversed!). We had a wonderful time and can’t wait to attend next year.

P.S. To say that I’m a little proud of my husband is a huge understatement.
Hovership at Maker Faire

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Responses to “Maker Faire 2015”

  1. Um….ok….WOW! This looks amazing and I want to go!! The photos are incredible! So fabulous!! xx, Karen // Glam Karen

  2. Looks like a unique & wonderful time! Glad you have fun with your family 🙂 xx

  3. Linda Doll

    Jessica … there is one photo you posted of Aiden where he has his hands up by his mouth and is obviously tickled over something he is watching. It left me wondering what it was he was enjoying so much!! You completely captured the moment!!

  4. You are making me want to have kids pronto haha! I love all of these places you have taken them so far! This one looks sooo amazing! I am a nerd so I would love something like that.
    xoxo Amanda
    The Miller Affect

  5. So fun! I love the vibrancy and life in all your photos! Sportsanista

  6. Oh my goodness – how creative! This looks like so much fun!! <3
    Amanda |

  7. I have never heard of this before! It looks incredible!

  8. I have always wanted to go to the Maker Faire! It looks so inspiring and amazing. PS. LOVE the new look!

  9. your photos make everything look so amazing and inviting!
    Now I want to go!!


  10. WOW! How fantastic is this! So much fun! XO


  11. That is so cool! I always feel like I am experiencing whatever you did, thanks to your amazing pictures!
    Southern Elle Style

  12. This looks like way too much fun!

  13. Looks like you had a great time!
    Amanda ||

  14. You took fabulous photos! Looks like such a fun time!


  15. Wow!! This looks so awesome! You make me want to meet Geoffry the Giraffe. How cool! You guys have so much fun.

    xo, Mae // Mae Amor

  16. Oh my gosh! This looks like a blast! I love the helmet and dancing with a robot!

  17. Thanks for checking out SJSU’s Cadre digital media program at MakerFaire last year! Hopefully you got to see the light wall again this year, and our student projects!

  18. […] that time we went to a magical place called Maker Faire? It hasn’t been that long, but it has been a year and we’re so excited to say that we […]

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