I Got Rid of My TV.

This post is sponsored by Samsung.

I got rid of my TV. - A look at Samsung's new "The Frame" television. It's a TV that functions as art in your home.

Just kidding. For years upon years, the biggest struggle I’ve had in our living room is the fact that we own a TV. I’m not a huge TV watcher, but we do enjoy family movie night and my husband and kids watch more often than I do. The TV has always been a huge eyesore in the living room, never quite blending in with the decor, until now. Today I’ve partnered with Samsung to introduce The Frame TV and to share how it blends effortlessly into our living room, as if we don’t even own a TV.

Awhile back when I changed out my media console I got some wonderful feedback about styling, and was even on the right track with my gallery wall, ha! Sadly, even after feeling like the room was done, it still didn’t feel quite right. When I learned about The Frame by Samsung, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on one. I mean, who wouldn’t? When it’s not in use, it simply looks like a piece of art on your wall. It’s basically the most beautiful TV I’ve ever seen. Designed in a collaboration between designer Yves Béhar and Samsung, it features 100 different art pieces to choose from across 10 different categories. You can even upload your own using the Samsung app on your smartphone.
Installation and setup of The Frame was very easy. The wall mount came with a paper template (and tape) to hang it to your wall and make sure everything is just right before you make the big jump. I would venture to say it was easier to hang than the giant mirror in my entryway, and at only 41 pounds, it was much lighter as well. The mount is made so that the TV sits nearly flush with the wall, just like a piece of art. We chose to hide the cables, but the invisible connection cable is about the same size as my headphone cable and is barely noticeable unless someone is looking.

I got rid of my TV. - A look at Samsung's new "The Frame" television. It's a TV that functions as art in your home. I got rid of my TV. - A look at Samsung's new "The Frame" television. It's a TV that functions as art in your home.

We’re so happy with our living room’s new look and have enjoyed a few movie nights here already. Not being that into tech I never thought going from a standard HD TV to a 4K would make much difference, but it absolutely does. We love to watch nature and animal shows and they look amazing on this TV. Decorating around The Frame is much easier too, as now we don’t have a giant eyesore in the middle of our small living room.

Since the actual frame part of The Frame can be customized, I chose to purchase and add the beige-colored outer frame that is magnetic and snaps on as easily as putting on your favorite pair of shoes. We plan to add photos from our travels to our art mode collection so that we have fond memories to look at. I also can’t wait until the kids birthday parties roll around so I can add photos then as well. To help use less energy we adjusted the settings on it so that the TV will go to sleep with a blank screen when it detects no motion in the room after a certain length of time. When we walk back in it wakes up and places itself in art mode. Smart, right?

It’s taken me some time to get used to the look of “not having a TV“, but now that I’m used to it I wouldn’t have it any other way. It adds a certain calmness to the room that having giant electronic eyesores around doesn’t.

Do you watch a lot of TV in your household? What kind of ways do you incorporate it as part of your decor?

This post was sponsored by Samsung, a company that we’ve owned household electronics by for years. Thank you so much for helping to support the sponsors that make life here at Hej Doll a little sweeter.

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Responses to “I Got Rid of My TV.”

  1. WHAT?!?! How awesome is this? We’re about to start building, and it looks like- much to my dismay!!- that our TV will end up over the fireplace in our living room. I’ve been trying to come up with clever ways to hide it (behind doors or something, although that is still so distracting and yuck lol), but this is such a simple, cleaner solution. My husband will be thrilled to hear I’m finally willing to agree to a new TV lol

    1. We’re so in love with it here. It’s so perfect for blending in with decor, and it lays so flat against the wall.

  2. I had to re-read this twice because I was confused at first and couldn’t tell it was a tv at all! It looks so beautiful!

    1. Haha. I know, we haven’t had any company over yet since getting it but I’m really excited for my son’s next birthday party. What better place to put embarrassing baby photos?!

  3. I’m obsessed with this, Jess! Definitely not an eye-sore anymore! (Hahaha everything rhymes!)

  4. The Frame looks absolutely amazing! It fits so flawlessly into your living room.

  5. I honestly would not want to “get rid of” my television. The TV is the focal point of the living room, so I have no intention of hiding it. Plus my walls are filled with pictures of my kiddos!

  6. Now that is a neat way to replace your television. The Frame is so stylish and it could work in so many types of rooms with the frame customization.

  7. I love this! What a creative way to hide your TV when you don’t want to be distracted by, well, TV!

  8. Omg! I never knew this ever existed! I must have this TV. It would make huge difference when decorating. I am definitely telling my husband about this TV.

  9. Omg just love this!!! It would have been perfect in the last place I lived! It drove me nuts how my tv just randomly was placed on the wall. This would have hid it perfectly

  10. That’s pretty cool. Although we watch so much that we’d never get to see the frame!

  11. OMG WHAT THIS IS SO COOL. It looks just like a painting! I love.


  12. Tv is such a big part of my life. I am a freelance writer and I always want to listen to my favourite shows in the background. I do not watch them though, they just keep me company I guess.

  13. This is seriously one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen! We struggle with how to hide the ugly tv, as well. This would be absolutely AMAZING! It looks absolutely gorgeous, too…so seamless with your beautiful decor. I am seriously looking into this!

  14. Funny because when I saw that first photo, I didn’t recognize it as part of your decor and thought, ooh, they got a new piece of art! That is just a perfect idea. I have a TV but, like you, rarely watch it and would love to have it blend in with our decor instead of being a big black focal point.

  15. So freaking badass, just scrolled back through your insta and saw this. Did a double take. I’ve joked I’m going to get rid of our TV for such a long time because I hate looking at it so much… this is the perfect solution. ????????

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