When it Rains / Seattle, Washington

when-it-rains-seattle-washington-1 when-it-rains-seattle-washington-2 when-it-rains-seattle-washington-3 when-it-rains-seattle-washington-5 when-it-rains-seattle-washington-6 when-it-rains-seattle-washington-7 when-it-rains-seattle-washington-8 when-it-rains-seattle-washington-10 when-it-rains-seattle-washington-9 when-it-rains-seattle-washington-11 Our Seattle adventure would not have been complete without a little bit of rain, and while we ventured out for most of it, one particular evening we were just really worn out and everyone needed a little break. We hung out at the hotel, jumped on the bed, and watched the raindrops decorate the windows. We did venture out for dinner, sprinting between overhangs while Søren hid in the stroller canopy but came back to the room right after to get a good nights rest.

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