A San Francisco Giveaway!


This month I’m hosting a giveaway with a little shout to the city of San Francisco. It was the first big city I ever fell in love with, and I still hold it near and dear to my heart. I don’t know if you noticed in their room tour, but my boys have quite a few of the M. Sasek books from the ‘This Is’ series. They really love all of the artwork and learning a bit about other cities. Enter to win below, and don’t forget to tell a friend!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


All book images and content copyright Miroslav Sasek. This giveaway is not affiliated with M.Sasek or Universe Publishing and is sponsored by Team Wiking blog.

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Responses to “A San Francisco Giveaway!”

  1. I’ve always wanted to visit SF and my boy loves books! so winning this would be awesome!

  2. I would read this book to Leila and Autumn. We love San Francisco– cant wait to come back to visit in September. What a fun book this would be to read to them before we go visit!

  3. My husband and I took a whirlwind long weekend trip out to San Francisco and it was so wonderful. I’ve wanted to move there ever since! I would love to have this for my future children and to share with my nieces and nephews when they come over!

  4. Ok, I actually don’t have any kids…but I would read this to myself (and my husband)!! I grew up in the bay area and San Francisco has always had a special place in my heart. I heard about Miroslav Sasek’s books from a friend last year and fell in love with the illustrations! These books would look amazing on our bookshelf 🙂


    PS love your blog!

  5. I’d definitely give this book to my nephews back home in Newfoundland, Canada – any time I fly home, I love to read them stories (more like the Captain Underpants books because they are SO hilarious). But I think winning and/or giving this book to my little buddies would be great and could tell them exactly where I live. Except I don’t live IN the city.. but you catch my drift. I think. 🙂

  6. I would definitely read this to my daughter – we have the Paris, London & New York editions of this book and love them 🙂

  7. My daughters have all the same This Is books that you have on display! I originally bought This is New York for myself a few years before our kids arrived on the scene and then started collecting the books for all of the places we’ve been after my eldest was born. Sharing your give away with my friends 🙂

  8. Our super sweet nieces would eat this up! I’m sure they are going to be big world travellers one day 🙂 xoxo

  9. Carolsue

    I would read it to my son. He has been to San Francisco, so he would enjoy it.

  10. Thanks for entering everyone! I’ve gone ahead and chosen a winner. 🙂

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