Adios Amigos! / Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

team-wiking-cabo-san-lucas-mexico-3-1 team-wiking-cabo-san-lucas-mexico-3-2 team-wiking-cabo-san-lucas-mexico-3-3 team-wiking-cabo-san-lucas-mexico-3-4 team-wiking-cabo-san-lucas-mexico-3-5 team-wiking-cabo-san-lucas-mexico-3-6 team-wiking-cabo-san-lucas-mexico-3-7 team-wiking-cabo-san-lucas-mexico-3-8 team-wiking-cabo-san-lucas-mexico-3-9 team-wiking-cabo-san-lucas-mexico-3-10 On our last eve in Mexico we stayed out on the beach until the sun began to set and really soaked it all in. I felt like we needed a couple more days there but also always appreciate our home a little more when we return.

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Responses to “Adios Amigos! / Cabo San Lucas, Mexico”

  1. I get the same feeling everytime I’m on vacation, need more days but ready to go at the same time 😉
    beautiful photos!

    1. I always know if I get home and am still grumpy about leaving I REALLY needed more days, haha. 😉

  2. Lovely post, it looks beautiful! Also amazing pictures, I have a sneaky question, I always worry about taking my DSLR to the beach, how do you avoid getting sand in the lens?

    Love your blog!

    Mel x

    1. Thanks! I keep it in a flapped backpack or on a towel with the top folded over so it can’t be easily pushed into the sand/have sand kicked onto it. Sometimes I just end up wearing it the whole time depending on if it’s my turn to watch Søren or if I’m at the beach alone with the boys and don’t want to leave it sitting far away from me in my bag.

      1. Thanks for replying! Ahh I always end up doing the same, I’ll let you know if a figure out a better way, but I think it’s worth It anyway for the memories.

        Thanks again,


  3. Thankyou for sharing…Los Cabos is a wonderful place to live for retirees or those looking for a better quality of life. It’s also an area that makes sense financially to invest in, one must visit..!

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