Alviso Marina Park

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With Søren being such an active and curious toddler, It’s not often that I get to spend quality one on one time with Aiden. So when he had a day off from school we headed over to Alviso Marina Park during Søren’s nap time. We’ve been there before in the past but they just overhauled it and it’s now in tip-top shape. There were lots of birds about, my conclusion is that it was lunch team-wiking-alviso-marina-park-4 team-wiking-alviso-marina-park-5 team-wiking-alviso-marina-park-6team-wiking-alviso-marina-park-7 team-wiking-alviso-marina-park-8 team-wiking-alviso-marina-park-9 team-wiking-alviso-marina-park-10 team-wiking-alviso-marina-park-11 team-wiking-alviso-marina-park-12

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Responses to “Alviso Marina Park”

  1. I love the adventures you can only have with boys. I have a nephew and it is so much fun running around with him and discovering new things.

    1. I love adventures with anyone who will come. You’d be surprised how down little girls are for exploring. 🙂

  2. gorgeous photos! as always 😉

    1. Thanks Liz!

  3. Birdie loves exploring! I need to take her out more. I didn’t realize Alviso had nice places to go to :-X

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